5 Exciting Hobbies That Will Get Your Mind Off Your Divorce

5 Exciting Hobbies That Will Get Your Mind Off Your Divorce
Image by Jerzy Górecki from Pixabay

Divorce – a noun that may put some of us in deep terror. However, does it really have to be this way? Researchers estimate that nearly 50% of marriages end in divorce, and it does seem that nowadays, everyone you see in the grocery store is somehow missing that partner they always used to shop with.  How do you get your mind off your divorce?

A divorce doesn’t have to bring you the fear of being alone, but rather a feeling of a brand new start and the rejuvenation you can finally bring into your life. Many people quote divorce as the time of their lives during which they’ve been able to discover themselves truly, so maybe there is some truth in the infamous ‘when life gives you lemons, make lemonade’ saying! And maybe instead of looking for where to sell gold jewelry your estranged ex gave you, you should store them away for the time being and put your head into doing something for yourself!

We gathered a list of 5 hobbies that might help you get your mind off your divorce, and, who knows, you may even discover a real passion for some of those while reinventing your life!

Get Physically Active

Get active
Image by Khusen Rustamov from Pixabay

They say physical activity is not only good for your physical health but also your well being for a reason, so why not combine the two worlds? Choose a sport that you think will match your personality; maybe it’s some yoga classes a few times a week, or perhaps you’re more inclined to serve your emotions out through some boxing classes. 

Either way, sports can be a great way to get through the stress associated with divorce while at the same time losing those extra pounds you may have gained while snacking on some chocolate cake. 


Part of becoming single after a while is the process of rediscovering yourself all over again, without your significant other. Meditation can be a great way to acknowledge your inner thoughts, helping you become the person you’re truly meant to be.

Let’s face it, anywhere you go nowadays; you somehow stumble on another advertisement from a so-called meditation studio that will ‘let you relieve your stress.’ Maybe it’s more than just an advertising tactic, and you should try making it a part of your daily routine? Meditation can be a great way to combat stress and discover the beauty of controlling your thoughts. 

If you’d rather stay and meditate in the comfort of your own home, create a comfortable environment, free of any distractions or reminders of your previous relationship, and let your mind dictate the path forward. 

Cook Yourself Away

Image by monicore from Pixabay

This one may sound a bit cliche, as cooking seems to be a remedy for everything nowadays, from a bad mood to divorce – but we can assure you, it really is! Cooking will not only allow you to redirect your thoughts onto something else but will allow you to discover a new, useful hobby that can be utilized at any time in life! So no more frozen Mac n cheese – how about a cheese fondue for tonight? 

Cooking away for yourself can be a great initiative – not only are you the only diner you have to impress, but there are also so many fewer dishes to clean afterward! Maybe you’ll discover that cooking is what you genuinely enjoy, and you’ll cook your taste buds away with all the additional flavors you add to your pantry! Cooking will help you get your mind off your divorce.

Organize Your Home

A great way to get rid of any hurtful memories from the past is to physically get rid of them. Maybe a blockade on the way for you to be able to move on truly is some of the memories sitting around your home of your significant other – or someone not so significant at this point. It can be a necessary, cathartic experience to get rid of any items associated with a time you’d want to forget about- to move on entirely. 

In addition to that, organizing itself can be very satisfying, seeing how much better space looks without all the unnecessary clutter, which may be causing you undue stress. Getting rid of all those hurtful memories will definitely help get your mind off your divorce.

Fall In Love With The Arts

Learn art appreciation
Image by StockSnap on Pixabay

Whether it’s crocheting that brings you the most satisfaction or painting – you should let art be your cathartic expression of who you truly are! Art can shift your mind away from what’s been going on in your life, allowing you to not only create a beautiful piece of art that you’ll be able to view and cherish for years to come but a mind getaway to a creative space.

More ideas: Reinventing Your Old Junk!


Divorce is usually not an easy process; however, it doesn’t have to be horrid. The most important factor is to separate paths with your partner in the most peaceful way possible – this will certainly omit any unnecessary stress, especially if you have kids. Unfortunately, this may not be possible in every scenario. 

Hobbies can make you forget – even for a second – about what has been going on in your life and let you enter a new world that may be the one you have been looking for your whole life. So why not make some positive out of a negative situation, and turn the tables around in your life! Find a hobby that will get your mind off your divorce.

Featured Image by Jerzy Górecki from Pixabay

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