5 Tips for Caring for a Senior with Mobility Issues

5 Tips for Caring for a Senior with Mobility Issues
Image by Pixabay.com

Did you know that mobility issues are the most common disability among senior adults? As your loved one ages, they may develop problems with mobility, including the inability to walk, unsteadiness while moving around, or difficulties getting in and out of a chair. Muscle weakness, neurological challenges, joint issues, and illnesses are some of the leading causes of mobility problems. Read on for five tips for caring for a senior with mobility issues.

Determine a suitable mobility device

When your loved one develops mobility issues, the first step is identifying and purchasing an ideal mobility device. Standard mobility devices include wheelchairs, canes, electric scooters, and walkers.

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 Scooters and wheelchairs are suitable for seniors who can no longer walk or those with limited lower body strength. Walkers and canes relieve pressure on ankles, hips, and knees and maintain balance on elderly parents who can walk but require additional stability. Be sure to speak to your loved one’s physician for recommendations to the best mobility device based on their needs.

Invest in professional at-home care

One of the best ways to care for a senior adult with mobility issues is by seeking a professional at-home caregiver’s help. Home caregivers from Husky Senior Care provide various services, including transportation, motion support, exercise, toileting, eating, and grooming, simplifying your loved one’s life as they age at home. Home care for seniors allows your loved ones to maintain their independence, improves safety, and gives you peace of mind as you are confident your elderly parent is receiving proper assistance as you focus on other activities. 

Fix mobility barriers around the home

The desire to control each aspect of their lives makes senior adults opt to age in place, even after developing mobility issues. You could make their stay at home more comfortable by identifying and fixing mobility barriers. This helps reduce the risks of slipping or falling. Some of the modifications you could make around the house include;

  • Installing a stairlift
  • Investing in non-slip mats
  • Installing handrails for additional stability
  • Declutter the home to prevent mobility devices from being caught on clutter on the floors

Make crucial necessities more accessible

A senior adult’s mobility challenges may make their ability to reach high shelves or bend to pick items difficult. Consider reorganizing the home to optimize the accessibility of crucial necessities. You should identify the things your loved one uses every day and place them in easy-to-access locations. For instance, if your loved one can still prepare their meals, consider putting ingredients, dishes, and pans at a waist height.

Encourage physical activities

When your loved ones develop mobility issues, they may become physically inactive for fear of falling and getting hurt. This leads to additional health problems, including a further decrease in mobility. Consult your loved one’s doctor for leads to suitable and safer exercises to help your elderly parent strengthen their muscles and bones, prevent fractures, and improve steadiness while walking.


You do not have to enroll your elderly parent in an assisted living facility or nursing home when they develop mobility issues. Familiarize yourself with the above tips to make caring for a senior adult with mobility problems more straightforward.

Featured Image by Pixabay.com

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