Homeowners can spend thousands of dollars on improvements that add nothing to their home value. Sure, you might love it now, but when you try to sell your home, it may be hard to find interested buyers. Don’t be that homeowner; be the one that makes worthwhile improvements for 2021.
1. Updating the Bathroom
The bathroom might have looked great when you first move in, but it’s showing its age now. It would be wise to focus on the features homebuyers expect nowadays, and that means features that allow your restroom to use less water. Water-efficient bathroom accessories don’t only help you conserve water, but they look very modern. If you want to go all out, you could also update your toilet and invest in a vacuum assist toilet, which helps reduce the amount of water you use. This is a worthwhile investment.
2. Installing a Water Softening System
Many people use the water in their homes to wash dishes but don’t drink it because they are worried about harmful chemicals. Well, you can get more from the water at home. You don’t have to pay for water bottles or a drinking water subscription. Instead, you should install a reverse osmosis water system. While it’s a significant investment, it’s definitely worthwhile. The benefits of a reverse osmosis water system include the freedom of drinking straight from the faucet. This will not only save you money, but you’ll also be making your home more eco-friendly since you won’t be creating plastic bottle waste.
3. New Flooring
The floors of a home take a real beating after a while, yet it’s one area that most homeowners tend to neglect. All those scratches and imperfections give your home an aged look that anyone can see. The idea of installing new flooring seems pricey and depends on what you install. It can take some time. Still, this is one of the smartest improvements you can make in 2021, especially if you haven’t updated your flooring in years. The easiest change would be to add new carpeting to your floors, but make sure you stick to jute, wool, or sisal, which are some of the most sustainable options. If you want hardwood floors, you can consider bamboo, recycled timber, or natural lino. Again, these are sustainable flooring options that are popular nowadays. You should also consider glossy colored epoxy floors.

4. Adding an Outdoor Structure
Your living space may seem sufficient at first, but after a few years, you may notice that it’s not. A homeowner can always use more living space, especially if you entertain often. Adding a good outdoor structure gives your home more living space, and it should add more value. Homebuyers love outdoor structures, so look through some of your options. You can add a wood deck, pergola, or gazebo, complete with outdoor furniture, fans, and other amenities. Some folks have gone all out and added an entire outdoor kitchen area, which is a wonderful addition. An outdoor structure also gives your family a reason to spend more time outside, and that’s good for overall wellness.
Furthermore, for concrete projects on your outdoor space, such as stairs or walkways, consider hiring a professional contractor like Frasercon to ensure a high-quality and sustainable result. Renovating your home not only enhances its aesthetic appeal but also increases its overall value and functionality.
5. Exterior Improvement
Your vinyl siding may not look as great as it did originally. Many homeowners neglect this because it’s easy to ignore. Even if you notice it, doing anything about it just doesn’t seem like a big deal. Maybe you even see considerable damage, and if you do, then it might be time to replace that siding. Updating it will make your home look spectacular and like a whole new house. Now, if you inspected it and the exterior just looks a little dingy, then you don’t have to worry about replacement. All you may need to do is have a power washing crew clean up the exterior, and your house will look as good as new. This will also improve the overall value of your property.
Investing in these sorts of improvements is a good idea. Get these done as your budget allows. You may eventually do all of them and whatever else you feel is necessary.
Featured Image by Andy Giraud from Pixabay