Back-to-School Printables: Lunchbox Notes & School Year Signs

The following post is from Jason & Jennifer Bruce of New Season Design:

First Day of School Signs
The back-to-school season comes with all sorts of different emotions… excitement, fear, anticipation, eagerness, and anxiety. And those emotions aren’t just for the kids! It’s hard for many parents to make the back-to-school transition. There are lunches to pack, homework to oversee, and extracurricular activities to attend. If you’re a homeschooling family, you have a curriculum to sort through and, lesson plans to create, spaces to organize. Let’s face it…back-to-school can be enough to make even the most organized parent’s head spin!

In the midst of all the back-to-school chaos, it’s easy to miss little opportunities to make special memories with your kids. This month’s printables can help you capture some of the sweet moments that come with the back-to-school season.

source: New Season Design

First Day of School Sign

The first day of school sign has become a tradition in our house. While our signs for the past couple of years have been pretty basic, they help us remember which year we’re looking at when we look back at our pictures.

With this First Day of School Sign Printable, you can simply print the signs you need for each child and snap your pictures. I’m considering starting a mini photo book of the pictures from each year. I think we would all enjoy looking back through the photos on graduation day!

Lunchbox Notes

Having been a 5th-grade teacher for a number of years, I know how long a school day can be, especially at the beginning of the year when no one is used to the routine. A quick note inside a lunchbox (or a backpack if you don’t pack lunches) can be a huge pick-me-up for any kid. I love the idea of these Lunchbox Notes printables. They’re a quick way to drop a colorful message to your child. You may even want to print off a little stack of them, trim them, and keep them in the kitchen so that they’re easy to access.

Get all of the Life Your Way printables The complete set includes all printables published to date, organized by folder for easy download.

Do you have any other back-to-school traditions?

Jason & Jennifer Bruce are the husband-and-wife design team behind New Season Design, where they work together to help clients put their best foot forward online. Jason is a pastor-turned-graphic designer, and Jennifer is a teacher-turned-blog designer who also blogs at Saving & Giving to help people save more, spend less, and give generously.

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