Read more about the article Does the Risk Outweigh the Rewards from Lying on your CV?
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Does the Risk Outweigh the Rewards from Lying on your CV?

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When attempting to boost your odds of getting an interview for that job you want, it can be all too tempting to exaggerate the facts. But is it ever worth the risk of lying on your cv to get ahead? A 2022 survey about how many employees lied on their CVs found that 32% of respondents…

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Radiologists: The Different Types, What They Do, and How Much They Earn

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What is a radiologist? Radiologists are the medical professionals that use medical imaging software and techniques to diagnose and treat illnesses and injuries. They use ultrasound, x-rays, computed tomography (CT), positron emission tomography (PET), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to diagnose and radiation or image-guided surgery to treat diseases. What are the different types of…

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Personal Vs Business Instagram Accounts: Which is Best For Promotion

Social media marketing without Instagram is like a cake without frosting. Instagram is a powerful element of your online marketing strategy as it is one of the most widely used platforms and can help your brand drive more customers common way to expand your brand’s outreach is visiting the best site to buy followers Instagram. To…

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Read more about the article Read the Fine Print Before Signing that Job Contract
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Read the Fine Print Before Signing that Job Contract

The nearly 5 million people quitting their jobs each month - coupled with the rise of remote work - has fueled a spike in job posting scams and associated financial losses during the past two years. So, if you are on the lookout for your next career move, how can you protect yourself from bad…

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Read more about the article How to List Self-Employment and Freelance Experience on a CV
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How to List Self-Employment and Freelance Experience on a CV

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You have gained a lot of important skills during your time as a freelance or while running your own business. You need to highlight those accomplishments on your CV - but how? Including self-employment and freelance work on your CV can be tricky because your experiences may not fit the cookie-cutter mold you are used…

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Read more about the article Want To Become a Nurse? Here Are 9 Helpful Tips
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Want To Become a Nurse? Here Are 9 Helpful Tips

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So you want to be a nurse? That's great! Nursing is an incredibly rewarding career, and there are many different paths you can take to become a nurse. This article will discuss some of the most important things you need to know about becoming a nurse. We will cover topics such as earning your degree,…

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Read more about the article Passive Income for Photographers: Selling Photos Online
Image by Sarah Richter from Pixabay

Passive Income for Photographers: Selling Photos Online

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The notion that photography is a profession reserved for those who can afford the most expensive and high-quality equipment is a rather outdated one. We live in an age where people walk around with little production studios in their pockets, able to easily utilize a smartphone to take beautiful photos of practically anything. And with…

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Read more about the article How to Come Up with a Career Development Plan
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

How to Come Up with a Career Development Plan

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No matter where you are in your career, setting measurable, specific goals will help you reach the next level that much faster with a development plan. Coming up with a career plan will take some effort and time, but it will pay off when you are better able to understand where you would like to…

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Read more about the article Burn Your Old Resume: How to Get a Job in 2021
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Burn Your Old Resume: How to Get a Job in 2021

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For decades, we all thought that there are strict resume writing rules that can’t be violated in any way. We’ve been told to keep it plain and simple, avoid anything non-related to work, emphasize hard skills, keep it formal, and so forth. But do these rules work today? The answer is no. The future is…

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