Personal Vs Business Instagram Accounts: Which is Best For Promotion

Social media marketing without Instagram is like a cake without frosting. Instagram is a powerful element of your online marketing strategy as it is one of the most widely used platforms and can help your brand drive more customers common way to expand your brand’s outreach is visiting the best site to buy followers Instagram. To…

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Read more about the article How to Improve Your Ergonomics While Working from Home
Photo by Jason Strull on Unsplash

How to Improve Your Ergonomics While Working from Home

Working from home is a new reality for many Americans. Business owners have realized they can save money, and employees have benefited from better work-life balance and more flexibility. However, for all the benefits of this new working format, there are also a few drawbacks, one of the most prominent being ergonomics. Setting up your workspace…

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Read more about the article The Benefits of Making Your Home Office as Ergonomic as Possible
Photo by Cameron Venti on Unsplash

The Benefits of Making Your Home Office as Ergonomic as Possible

If you’re on a quest to make your home office as ergonomic as possible, know that you’re making an extremely positive choice. Making an effort to create a more ergonomic workspace can have a wide range of benefits - some of which you might have never considered previously. There’s no shortage of little things you…

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Read more about the article Greener in Another Pasture: 7 Eco Benefits of Remote Work
Image by inkflo from Pixabay

Greener in Another Pasture: 7 Eco Benefits of Remote Work

Before March 2020, remote work was the exception, not the rule. After the pandemic shifted our priorities toward public health initiatives, remote work has become the new normal. Many businesses are seeing the benefits even beyond the COVID-safe primary causes. For example, working from home might be a boon to the industry's eco-friendly efforts.  Want…

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5 reasons to make a career shift after your maternity leave

Maternity leaves are an important part of a woman’s life. For one, you get a new perspective on life, becoming a mother to your newborn child. Secondly, many of today’s women are professionals in executive positions who deal with a lot of stress and pressure on a daily basis. This results in a very sudden…

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Read more about the article How to Optimize a Laptop for Hybrid Work
Image from Free-Photos on Pixabay

How to Optimize a Laptop for Hybrid Work

With Hybrid work widely accepted as the future of office working by many businesses worldwide, it is important that everyone is equipped for it and knows how to make it work for them. Over the past year and a half, many have thrived working from home. However, others have found it a significant struggle. Some…

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Read more about the article 4 Products Every Work-from-Home Professional Should Own
Photo by Tomáš Hustoles from Burst

4 Products Every Work-from-Home Professional Should Own

In the past, organizations used to look upon working from home with more than a fair bit of skepticism. They believed that the office was still the most productive place for employees, where they could go about their days free from distractions. However, everything changed when the COVID-19 pandemic happened. With offices closed to prevent the…

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Remote Control: The Best Cities to Work from Home

Why do most people move? The main reason used to be for financial opportunities, i.e., jobs, during their working years, and financial savings, and other personal reasons when they retire. But why wait? The advent of telecommuting — and its expansion as a result of the coronavirus — has changed that dynamic, so much so…

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