Read more about the article What Is Child Abuse and How Can You Protect Your Child?
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What Is Child Abuse and How Can You Protect Your Child?

Child abuse refers to physical violence against the child and any form of maltreatment caused by an adult that is threatening or violent for the child. There are cases where the abuse is not caused intentionally. Sometimes, parents cannot care properly for their children due to unemployment, financial pressure, mental health problems, etc. That can…

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Read more about the article 5 Warning Signs of Vision Problems in Children
Photo by Edi Libedinsky on Unsplash

5 Warning Signs of Vision Problems in Children

There has been a lot of research and study about vision problems in children. It is always a blind spot to understand when to take a child for an eye examination. Some people prefer mandatory annual visits, while some just wait for the problem to happen before going to an eye doctor. Our eyes are vital for…

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Read more about the article Top 10 Ways to Receive Baby Stuff When Pregnant
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Top 10 Ways to Receive Baby Stuff When Pregnant

Welcoming a new baby into your family is an exciting, magical experience that impacts all aspects of your life- emotionally, physically, and financially. Whether it’s your first, second or tenth child, there seems to be an infinite list of baby stuff to do or buy before your little one makes his or her way into…

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Read more about the article Top Seven Benefits of a High Chair for Babies or Toddler
Image by Alexandra_Koch from Pixabay

Top Seven Benefits of a High Chair for Babies or Toddler

“If only the prices of the baby items were as small as the babies…” this is what goes in the head of the parents when they are shopping for their babies to include a baby high chair.  Unlike babies, the prices of their items are quite heavy on the parents’ pocket. From buying clothes to…

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Read more about the article Help Your Teen Develop Emotional Intelligence
Image by Jess Foami from Pixabay

Help Your Teen Develop Emotional Intelligence

It is often good to get your teenager a counselor to help them manage their emotions and adapt to the changes that come with the age. BetterHelp offers professional therapy online and is a great way to get in touch with a counselor. There are also some ways that you can help your teen develop emotional intelligence. …

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Read more about the article Healthy Sleep Habits; How Many Hours Does Your Child Need?
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Healthy Sleep Habits; How Many Hours Does Your Child Need?

Sleep is incredibly important for children. It plays a critical role in their health and well-being. Most parents are aware of the fact that their kids need more sleep than they do. Therefore they focus on building up healthy sleep habits by supplementing their diet with melatonin gummies for kids. Many parents don't know how many…

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Read more about the article Creative Eating with Toddlers
Image by Daniela Dimitrova from Pixabay

Creative Eating with Toddlers

Being a mom these days can be quite challenging. Unlike never before, moms are under pressure to do things the right way. While the internet and social media can help find parenting ideas, it can also become an unrealistic way to compare ourselves. We only see a tiny glimpse of real-life online, and many times…

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Read more about the article 5 Daily Drug Relapse Prevention Tips
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5 Daily Drug Relapse Prevention Tips

When an individual goes into full recovery regarding drug abuse, then a round of congratulations is definitely in order. However, they should be aware that drug addiction is considered a chronic disease just as much as heart disease, asthma, diabetes, or even cancer. Chronic diseases, such as drug addiction, will require lifelong maintenance to continue…

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