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DIY Fashion: 6 Types of Clothing Fabrics You Need to Know

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The textile industry consists of a diverse range of fabrics, each possessing unique characteristics and properties that make them suitable for various types of clothing. Raw fibers undergo different processes to create these fabrics, such as weaving, knitting, and felting. Once the threads are formed, they can be further processed to create the desired texture and properties.

These fibers can be either synthetic or natural, with the former being made from chemical substances and the latter being derived from plants, animals, or minerals. They’re then woven into different fabrics to create clothing items, each with its distinct feel, appearance, and performance.

What Is the Most Popular Fabric for Clothes?

Cotton fabric
Photo by Mia Moessinger on Unsplash

Nowadays, it seems like shoppers are focused on what they’re putting on their bodies more than ever before, with concerns about sustainability and ethical sourcing at the forefront. Conscious consumers are more inclined towards making their own clothes and shopping for suitable garment fabric options that align with their skin sensitivities and values.


Starting off with a true classic, cotton is a natural fibre that is widely used in the fashion world. It’s a versatile material that boasts superior breathability and comfort, making it suitable for all seasons. It’s sourced from the cotton plant in the form of bolls comprising fluffy fibres that are spun into yarn before being made into clothes.

Given the hardy nature of the cotton plant, this fabric is highly durable and can withstand regular wear. It’s also quite versatile, as it can be easily blended with other fibers to enhance its properties. For instance, combining cotton with synthetic fibers such as polyester increases its strength and resistance to wrinkles.

Moreover, this option is biodegradable, which means it can decompose naturally without causing harm to the environment. Organic varieties have no chemical residue, making them a safer option for people with sensitive skin. However, the downside is that cotton requires a significant amount of water and pesticides to produce, leading to negative impacts on the environment if not sourced sustainably.


The flax plant is the source of linen, a light and breathable fabric with a distinct texture. It’s one of the oldest fabrics in the world, dating back to ancient Egypt when it was a symbol of luxury and royalty. Back then, only the wealthiest people could afford it due to its laborious production process, which included hand harvesting, getting, and weaving.

Today, linen is still considered a high-end fabric due to its premium quality and eco-friendliness. It’s highly absorbent and conducts heat well, thanks to its hollow fibers that allow for better air circulation. This makes it an excellent option for summer clothing, as it keeps the wearer cool and dry even in hot weather.

Furthermore, linen is known for its durability, which means it’s a long-lasting investment piece in any wardrobe. Its strength also allows for easy blending with other fabrics like cotton or silk to create unique blends with different properties. It feels crisp and gets softer with each wash, making it more comfortable over time.

One of the main benefits of linen is its sustainability. Flax plants require less water to grow compared to cotton, and they don’t need pesticides or herbicides as they have a natural resistance to pests. Additionally, all parts of the plant are used in the production process, leaving no waste behind and minimizing the environmental impact.


silk fabric
Photo by solod_sha:

Next up on the list of popular garment fabric options is silk, a natural protein fibre produced by silkworms. It’s been coveted for centuries due to its softness, shine and smooth texture, earning it the title of “Queen of Fabrics“. It’s also a symbol of luxury and elegance, often associated with high-end fashion.

Silk production involves harvesting cocoons from silkworms and unraveling their long fibers to create threads. This process is time-consuming and labor-intensive, hence making silk an expensive fabric. However, advancements in technology have led to various methods of producing silk without harming or exploiting silkworms.

Aside from its luxurious feel, this material also has various benefits as a clothing fabric. It’s hypoallergenic and gentle on the skin, making it suitable for people with sensitive skin or allergies. Its natural protein structure also makes it breathable and moisture-wicking, keeping the wearer cool and dry in warmer weather.

Moreover, it’s known for its versatility. It can be easily dyed in a wide range of colors and patterns, making it a popular choice for garments such as dresses, blouses, and scarves. Its natural sheen also adds an element of sophistication to any outfit. It feels lightweight and drapes beautifully, which can be a nifty feature for creating flowy and feminine silhouettes.


Another common member of the clothing fabrics club is viscose, also known as rayon. It’s a semi-synthetic fabric made from regenerated cellulose fibers derived mainly from wood pulp. This means it’s a more sustainable and eco-friendly option compared to synthetic fabrics like polyester or nylon.

Viscose has a similar look and feel to silk, but it’s more affordable. It’s derived through a chemical process that transforms the wood pulp into a soft, breathable, and comfortable fabric. However, it’s not as durable as silk and can be prone to shrinking or wrinkling if not cared for properly.

Despite its drawbacks, viscose is popular in the fashion industry for its versatility. It can easily mimic other fabrics like cotton, linen, or silk, making it a go-to choice for creating lightweight and flowy garments. Its ability to absorb dye also makes it suitable for vibrant prints and colors.


Polyester Fabric
Image by kesie91 from Pixabay

A somewhat shunned fabric in the fashion world, polyester still holds an important place in our wardrobes. It’s a synthetic fabric made from petroleum-based products, which are non-renewable resources. However, due to its durability and low cost, it’s still widely used in clothing production.

It’s known for its wrinkle resistance and quick-drying properties, making it ideal for sports and outdoor wear. It’s also often blended with other fabrics such as cotton or wool to add strength and elasticity. However, one major downside of polyester is that it doesn’t breathe well, which can lead to discomfort in warm weather and cause odor build-up.

Despite its negative environmental impact, this option remains popular due to its affordable price point and ability to replicate the look of natural fabrics. However, with growing awareness about sustainability and ethical fashion practices, there is a push towards more eco-friendly alternatives.


Finally, we come to wool, a natural fibre sourced from animals such as sheep, goats and llamas. It’s known for its warmth and insulation properties, making it a go-to choice for winter clothing. However, it can also be used in lighter-weight fabrics for year-round wear.

It’s also highly durable and can easily resist wrinkles and stains. It’s also moisture-wicking, making it an ideal material for activewear. Additionally, wool is biodegradable and renewable since the animals are shorn each year to produce more fibers.