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MVP Is Ready. What’s Next?

Post-MVP Stages: Your Guide

Every large product starts with a small idea and a team burning with the desire to embody it into something huge. To create a perfect solution, it is vital to identify the market needs, build concepts, and create roadmaps. Only then do MVP development services enter the game. Afterward, there are other development stages, and we are going to highlight them in this article.

MVP: What Was Done So Far?

MVP is the stage where the key features of the future out-turn are tested. Its goal is to ensure their viability without the risk of presenting the consumers with a raw application.

Moreover, the MVP stage is intended to reduce engineering time, lower costs, and clarify whether the target group is chosen correctly. Thus, it is easier to build the brand.

Now let us have a look at further development stages. 

MMP vs. MMR: Are They the Same?

While the MVP is used to authenticate various assumptions at a small price, minimum marketable product (MMP) and minimum marketable release (MMR) serves as a logical extension of the process. In fact, they are really close to each other in their functionality as both of them are responsible for the release.

MMP is aimed at people eager to try the new app and be the first users. They can tolerate the possible rough edges and focus on innovations they seek. At this stage, it is crucial to collect as much feedback as possible as it influences the end product’s future and its engineering prospects.

As for MMR, this stage introduces new features that bring value to customers. It is a full release of the application that satisfies the needs of a wide audience. Unlike MMP, MMR is intended for users who take all adjustments based on the previously gained experience from a narrow circle of users.

MMP and MMR are the stages in the development where investments can be safely made. Though it is still not the end-product yet, you can already see the potential. These stages are not resource-intensive, so the risk of losses is minimal.

MMF: What Is the Value?

Minimum marketable feature (MMF) determines must-have features of the product and their value to customers. This is a set of functions determined to enhance the level of clients loyalty, save resources, and generate earnings.

development stage
Image by Firmbee on Pixabay

What Developers Try to Achieve

These are the key goals of the MMF stage: 

  • fixing errors and bugs to soften corners
  • making the app faster, cheaper, and more efficient than rivals
  • new functionality
  • alpha and beta releases for future updates
  • expanding the targeted audience
  • attracting investors.

The MMF stage aims to improve particular features to make the application work better, thus raising demand. 

What Users Get

Thanks to the MMF stage, the customers get an updated version of the application for further use. It addresses specific user needs and effectively solves their problems. 

This concept can be applied to external (intended for outside sale) and internal (used inside the company) products. The updated software should provide an added benefit, no matter how frequent the releases are. The new version enables customers to do things they could not do before, thus increasing their involvement.

MLP: How to Attract Users

Minimum lovable product (MLP) is an offer that customers would enjoy straight from the start. It includes a minimal set of functions for users to love your brand instead of just tolerating it.

attract customers
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Nowadays, the market is filled with interesting offers. If the audience ends up being dissatisfied with your offer, they will immediately proceed to something else. So, you need to find your unique signature features that will make users interested in your application from the start.

To create a perfect MLP, you should understand the topics and problems customers care about and things to improve. The key point is to make customers purchase your products and arouse their interest in your company.

What Developers Try to Achieve

At this stage of development, creators pursue the following goals: 

  • seamless work of the application 
  • new functionality to achieve the wow-effect
  • seamless customer experience and precise feedback
  • deeper involvement of the audience and an increase in the number of consumers
  • larger investments
  • brand and product growth.

The MLP stage is intended to help the product gain more loyal users by introducing features they are sure to love. 

What Users Get

Building something the customers would love is the key point in every development. This item should deliver the minimum in a product to be cherished by users. The primary goal should be to deliver only the desirable value from the very beginning. This is the set of functions to gain customer loyalty, and they are going to improve over time depending on your vision and feedback.

You can focus on providing real solutions, the ones working from the first use of your application. Providing customers with their desired functionality should immediately result in positive feedback, growth of popularity, and increased profit. Your application should make users loyal to you from the first offer.


A large and complex project takes much effort, time, and resources. Taking everything into consideration, all the stages of development are valuable for the finished product. Each of them plays a different role since they are responsible for the specific aspects that shape your product for a large audience.

When the product determines your success as a brand, you will take every opportunity and invest all your resources to make sure it is outstanding. Understanding all the steps necessary to get to the point of creating a great product should support you on this journey. Make sure you have a clear vision of your ideal product and carefully move through the stages one at a time.

Featured Image by Pexels from Pixabay