Popsicle Stick Snowflakes {101 Days of Christmas}

Popsicle Stick Snowflakes

It doesn’t take complicated crafts to make my girls happy or keep them occupied; it’s usually the simplest projects that hold their attention best. Popsicle Stick Snowflakes is one of those projects!

Chances are you remember this craft from your childhood, and the fun part is in customizing your snowflake since the possibilities are virtually endless. Paint them, add stickers, glue sequins or pompoms or buttons to them, dust them with glitter, or decorate them with glitter glue…and the list goes on.

These would be fun to make on the first snow day (if you live in a place where that happens!) or on a day when you’re just wishing for snow. Then hang them on the Christmas tree or in the windows (with suction cups like these) or share them with friends and family!


  • jumbo craft sticks
  • white glue
  • paint, glitter, pompoms, buttons, glitter glue, stickers, etc.


Start by gluing the popsicle sticks together to create a snowflake shape. The easiest way to do this is to glue two “plus signs”: Put a drop of glue in the middle of one popsicle stick and place a second one on top, perpendicular to the first. Repeat with the second set of sticks. Once the glue has begun to dry, glue the two sets together, turning the top set 45 degrees to form the snowflake.

Repeat until you have enough snowflakes.

Once the glue is dry, begin decorating them with your gathered craft supplies.

To hang, tie a string around the middle, knotting it at the top to help the snowflake hang properly. Or punch a hole at the end of one of the popsicle sticks and tie your string there.

Projects from the archives:

East Sew Felt Star Ornaments Felt Tree Ornaments


Check out our popsicle stick puppets.

Make some Borax crystal ornaments

Make a paper snowflake

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