Printable nativity set, cranberry crunch bark + more {101 Days of Christmas}

101 Days of Christmas 2015

Each week this holiday season, I’m sharing seven of my very favorite 101 Days of Christmas projects from the archives.

My main strategy for avoiding stress during the holiday season is to start early, but even if you’re just starting to think about Christmas, you can simplify by saying no to the things that don’t fit your vision for the holiday. You don’t have to do certain things because either people do or even because extended family expects you to. Instead, start by making a list of the most important things to you and then fill in your schedule and to-do list around those, leaving plenty of margins so you can breathe in the wonder of the season!

Printable Nativity Set

Printable Nativity Set

I love this printable nativity set so much! It’s sweet and fun, and we’ve added a few different variations over the years so you have plenty to choose from!

Click here for this free printable. And don’t miss the popsicle stick puppet. Try the Nativity Puppet Set.

cranberry crunch bark

Cranberry Crunch Bark

Making barks at Christmas time is so much fun because they’re simple, beautiful and delicious. Whether you’re serving them at an event or packing them into cookie tins, be sure to add this recipe to your list.

Click here for the recipe.

printable appreciation tags

Printable Appreciation Tags

I love taking time out of our holiday celebrations to say thank you to our regular UPS driver and mail lady, the guys who pick up our trash and more. These cute printable tags can be paired with a special treat or gift card as a simple but thoughtful thank you!

Click here for this free printable.

Popsicle Stick Nativity Puppets

What is your favorite way to find peace as the holiday madness kicks into gear?

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