Rabbit Meat Nutrition: Calories and Health Value

Rabbit Meat Nutrition: Calories And Health Value
Photo by Gary Bendig on Unsplash

Most people underestimate the usefulness of rabbit meat. In comparison, rabbit meat can bring lots of nutritional properties into your daily diet.

During the mid-20th century, rabbit meat was considered wartime food. Nowadays, we see a completely different picture. Today, you can find different variants of rabbit meat dishes all over the world.

Rabbit is flavorful white meat that can easily replace standardized chicken and pork. 

Generally, most people find rabbit meat similar to chicken since it is white, lean, and great in soups and casseroles. But, at the same time, it is much more healthy than any other type of meat. 


First of all, rabbit meat is relatively low in calories, and thus, according to USDA, in 100 g rabbit meat, there is solely 6 g fat. Additionally, rabbit meat is enriched with proteins. Thus, in 100g rabbit meat, there are more than 21 g proteins, quite interesting.

According to Bunnyhorde, another benefit that the consumption of rabbit meat can bring into your life is that rabbit meat is one of the best sources for getting vitamins and minerals.. Rabbit meat is rich in vitamins B3, B12, phosphorus, potassium, and selenium. 

So, just by spreading rabbit meat into your toast, you can contribute the necessary balance of vitamins and minerals required for the healthy functioning of your organism.

Let’s dive deeper and learn about several rabbit meat nutrition facts.

In 100 g rabbit meat, you can find the following useful elements needed for your organism:

  • 20.1 grams of protein which is nearly 505 required for your daily value
  • Iron
  • Potassium magnesium
  • Phosphorous
  • Zinc
  • Selenium
  • Vitamin B12, B1,B2,B3,B5,B6

This is precisely why herbs, spices, and botanicals are usually added to rabbit feed to improve digestion, prevent illness, and provide the necessary antioxidants. 

Fat Content in Rabbit Meat

As we have mentioned before, rabbit meat is a low-calorie product full of protein. Here, you should keep in mind that the amount of fat in rabbit meat can vary depending on the type of rabbit.

For example, 100 g of domesticated rabbit contains 5.6 grams of fat. Alternatively, in 100 g wild rabbit’s meat, you will find just 2.3 grams of fat. This amount is much less than in other popular types of meat such as pork and beef. 

Cholesterol Content in Rabbit Meat

Even though wild rabbits have less fat, it contains more cholesterol. Thus, in 100 g of wild rabbit’s meat, there are nearly 81 milligrams of cholesterol, whereas, in 100 domesticated rabbits’ meat, the amount of cholesterol is just 57 milligrams. 

Vitamins Content in Rabbit Meat

Everybody knows that the deficiency of vitamin B may lead to lots of severe health issues. However, by implementing the consumption of rabbit meat into your nutrition, you can get the whole group of vitamin B. Rabbit meat has a high concentration of vitamin B12. Additionally, it is also rich in vitamin E.   

Minerals Content in Rabbit meat

Another benefit of rabbit meat is its high concentration of iron, calcium, potassium, and magnesium. Moreover, rabbit meat is the perfect source of phosphorus, copper, zinc, and choline. In addition, meat has the lowest sodium level, so people with high blood pressure can confidently consume it.

 Why You Should Start Consuming Rabbit Meat

Rabbit Meat Reduces the Risks Of Cancer!

By consuming rabbit meat daily, people can drastically reduce the risks of getting cancer. That’s because rabbit meat contains conjugated linoleic acid, which has anti-carcinogenic effects.

Rabbit Meat And Diabetes 

Rabbit meat is an integral part of a diet for those who have diabetic issues. The main reason is that rabbit meat contains low fat and low cholesterol quantities, which are prohibited for people with diabetes. In addition, a molecule composed of rabbit meat called conjugated linoleic fatty acid has anti-obesity and anti-carcinogenic effects for ameliorating diabetes. 

Rabbit Meat For Allergies

Even though Rabbit meat is full of healthy benefits, it can be hazardous for some people. The reason is that a sugar molecule contained in rabbit meat can cause an allergic reaction. This type of allergy is called alpha-gal and has symptoms like rashes, hives, difficulty breathing, hypotension that can appear in 3-6 hours after eating rabbit meat.

Rabbit Meat During Pregnancy

It is a general rule of thumb that pregnant women need healthy food which is rich in nutrients. And rabbit meat is the best option since it is full of vitamins, minerals, and protein, especially during pregnancy. 

Rabbit Meat And Cardiovascular

Due to the high concentration of saturated fats, rabbit meat harms cardiovascular health. So, this meat is entirely safe for people with cardiovascular problems. 

Rabbit Meat For Reducing Fat Intake

Regular consumption of rabbit meat can drastically help cut calories. In this case, you can maintain the necessary energy balance and lose weight at the same time. In addition, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats in rabbit meat have many benefits for human health and can reduce cardiovascular diseases.


By summarizing our review regarding consuming rabbit meat, we can confidently state that the benefits provided by this meat are enormous. But, unfortunately, in most cases, rabbit meat is categorized as a game, and most rabbits are hunted just for fun. In contrast, the consumption of rabbit meat in your daily nutrition may bring lots of positive changes in your life. The meat is rich in vitamins, minerals, and proteins, necessary for your organism’s healthy functioning. Nowadays, there are tons of recipes on how to make delicious and healthy dishes with rabbit meat. However, as with other types of meat, the amount of nutrition you can get from rabbit meat directly depends on how you make it. The best ways to prepare rabbit meat are baking, grilling, or cooking it in stews with a good portion of different vegetables.

Featured Photo by Gary Bendig on Unsplash

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