Read more about the article How To Get Going on the Things That Really Count
source: tableatny

How To Get Going on the Things That Really Count

The following post is from Jeff of My Super-Charged Life: How To Get Going on the Things That Really Count Isn’t it easy to put things off? Often, the most important things in life count the most and get pushed to the back burner.  We tell ourselves we should get going on it, but we…

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Read more about the article Are You Quitting or Are You a Quitter?
source: heyFilbert

Are You Quitting or Are You a Quitter?

The following post is from Lisa of Working Naked:  Have you ever quit a job, worked with certain clients, or quit a sport or hobby because it took too much time and was no longer fun? If so, does that make you a quitter? Not necessarily. There’s a difference between quitting and being a quitter.…

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Read more about the article Consistently March Toward Success

Consistently March Toward Success

The following post is from Jeff of My Super-Charged Life: Consistently March Toward Success Are you achieving what you want? Millions of people trudge through life without feeling successful or fulfilled.  They are living lives well below their potential. Is this you? Don’t let another day go by without stepping out toward a better life. …

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Read more about the article Control the Theater in Your Mind
Source: The-Lane-Team

Control the Theater in Your Mind

The following post is from Jeff of My Super-Charged Life: Control the Theater in Your Mind What is playing on the theater in your mind? There is always a vivid movie playing before our mind’s eye.  This non-stop screenplay often goes uncontrolled and unnoticed, but it has a powerful effect on us. The theater I…

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Read more about the article You Have What It Takes: Act Boldly
source: Copyright

You Have What It Takes: Act Boldly

The following post is from Jeff of My Super-Charged Life: You Have What It Takes: Act Boldly Do you believe in yourself? I mean, really believe in yourself. I believe in you.  I believe you are strong, smart, and capable enough to achieve great things. I’m telling you this because I want you to reach…

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Read more about the article Motivational Quotes Printable & Desktop Background
Image by Alexas_Fotos from Pixabay

Motivational Quotes Printable & Desktop Background

When you're pursuing a goal or dream or working to make your vision a reality, it's easy to get discouraged, especially if you focus on the day-to-day challenges and failures rather than the big picture. When you are discouraged, life is difficult, or your facing a challenging day, reading motivation quotes or scripture verses will…

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