The Importance of Building a Man Cave in Every Family Home

The Importance of Building a Man Cave in Every Family Home
Image by GraphicMama-team from Pixabay

There are several psychological benefits when a family man has access to his private man cave or mantuary. It can contribute to making them better partners, husbands, and fathers. 

A man cave is any private area at home, whether it is the guest room, a garage, or a tool shed exclusively used by a man in a domestic environment. This area will typically house an entertainment center and a large-sized couch. A bar, workout equipment, display shelves, and billiards or poker tables are common. So why does your home need one?

Stress Buster

A typical modern family man tends to have a high-pressure job that can build up a lot of negative emotions. Short temper, recurrent anger outbursts, and irritability are some of the outcomes of bottled-up negativity. These symptoms show up when there isn’t a proper outlet from an emotional pressure cooker. A man cave shed Boston provides a private space where they can temporarily get away from any kind of domestic and professional commitment. 

Sometimes silence and an independent space are not enough. Physical de-stressing, like a deep tissue massage, can also help with emotional cleansing. Remember, you need to choose a type of massage therapy that addresses the pain points in your body. 

There is a detailed guide available at 3D, S-Track, Heated, Swedish, and Shiatsu are some of the types of massages that you can get. You will know best where your body holds the most tension. If you decide to get one for your man cave, select the type of spa therapy or massage chair accordingly.    

Emotional Regulation

A man cave provides a way for men to display and nurture their own identities. According to a psychology study titled Mancaves and Masculinity, the man cave allows a man to foster paternal and fraternal bonds. These bonds form distinctly away from modern egalitarian family ideals. This helps them form their own identity as fathers and husbands. It further helps them better grasp the responsibilities and duties of the role. 

There is an inherent relationship between a person’s emotions and the physical space that they are in. In the majority of households with traditional husband-wife families, the women decide the decoration and look of the house. A man cave allows a man to express their own unique tastes and personalities. This environmental escape is a free and safe space that isn’t bound by domestic rules. It has been shown to help with emotional regulation.

A Space for Souvenirs 

Men tend to have several possessions from their pre-family days that cannot find a logical place in the household. Men have an emotional bond with these items, such as deer antlers or neon signs, but they cannot be placed anywhere in a family home. 

Having a man cave avoids any kind of clash with the taste of interior decoration at home. All personal souvenirs and items can be stored and displayed in this space. This will also turn the room into a high-level comfort zone for the person in question.

Gender Biased Interpretation of Time and Space 

The part of the brain associated with interpreting time and space is larger in men than in women. John Gray, the author of Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus, tells us that it also means that men have a bigger need to have distinct chunks of time and space to themselves.

While many women interact with other women during their “me time,” men require true solitude. Men can take on family obligations with far greater ease when this requirement is met.

Space for Exercise

If there is dedicated space to do cardiovascular or weight training, men will likely stick to their fitness routines more. Most modern man caves have sports equipment to help meet this goal. The man cave’s environment is already very welcoming, and hence the enthusiasm to work out in that environment is also very high. 

Man cave exercise room
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Physical exercise has been shown time and again to boost mood and day-to-day productivity. Thus, engaging in it will have lasting positive psychological benefits. This, in turn, will contribute to converting men into better family men. 

The need for a man cave is so strong that three construction men turned a storage room at New York’s Grand Central Terminal into a man cave for themselves. Unfortunately, they were suspended. But you don’t need to go to such extremes. Even something as elementary as a secluded corner at home will do. As long as it offers you the privacy you need, it is good enough. 

While we have been exclusively talking about men and man caves, it is important to not forget the concept of she-sheds for working women. These will typically have bookshelves, wine bars, and household plants. Most of the psychological rationale is the same here. And if you can afford to have both, go ahead. A couple’s relationship will only get better with alone time.

Featured Image by GraphicMama-team from Pixabay

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