A patio is traditionally a recreation area in a country site. This architectural element has been known for a long time and is used in many countries observes Lyon Property Management in Warwick. Even if the climate is relatively cool or rainy, but the desire of people to relax in comfort always prevails.
What is a patio?
Many people mistakenly believe that this is another name for the terrace. Yes, in terms of the structure and field of application, these two elements of the site are really similar. However, there is one significant difference. The terrace is part of the house. One or more walls are in direct contact with it. The patio can be arranged anywhere on the site as a completely separate building or adjacent to the house. As a rule, this area is open-air, but it can also be under a roof, especially if you decorate the space with some exquisite furniture from Nationwide Furniture Outlet. In addition, the patio zone does not have a fence unless it comes into contact with another building or site fence.
Different types of patio
Classic patio. Most often, the patio zone is equipped near the house, so it has a U-shape. This is a square or rectangular area with the necessary furniture. The entrance to it can be both from the courtyard and directly from the house if the door has been planned by the architect.
The patio with BBQ area is also very popular, and it’s no wonder – who doesn’t love outdoor grilled sausages or vegetables. The barbecue itself can be both stationary and portable. The main thing is that it fits into the general style and performs its immediate functions.
There could be a patio with a fireplace, a rather expensive element of landscape design, but a very stylish option for arranging this area. Even outdoors, the fireplace will make your relaxation, especially in the evening, unforgettable. Sometimes designers make a patio with a fire, a place which is located in the center, with chairs placed around it.
Patio by the pond. If you are the lucky owner of such an element of landscape design as a pond, it is a sin not to place a patio right next to it. Moreover, fire your designer right away if they don’t offer to do it! It is worth considering the layout of the combination of a patio zone so that the pond is not in the foreground. It is better if it is a secondary element and does not distract all the attention of vacationers but provides them with freshness and the murmur of water. You can read about how to properly arrange an artificial reservoir here.
Poolside patio. Such a building as a pool is not at every site and is not accessible to everyone. But if this option is possible, do not deny yourself such a recreation area. Here, as a rule, the beach style will be used. There may be sun loungers and a cocktail table.
How to make a patio with your own hands
There are several important rules for arranging a patio, starting with choosing the right place. This zone can be placed anywhere on the site, as long as you carefully considered all the key factors. But, if you want privacy, you should not put it under the windows of your neighbors. Also, do not place the patio under trees, as leaves and tree sap will contaminate furniture and interior items. It is not pleasant if all this falls on the table with food.
It will also be nice if flower beds are placed nearby. The scent of fresh flowers can greatly enhance your holiday. Think right away. It might be worth installing a pergola as well. This will make the area stand out even more.
Choose the right size. The size of the patio zone should be planned based on the number of people who will usually rest here. Don’t forget about the guests. It is correct to provide 10 square ft zones for each person so that it is not cramped.
Barbecue area or fireplace. These elements should be located on the leeward side so that smoke does not blow on everyone trying to relax and have a good time. It is quite difficult to determine this place without being a specialist. But, as a rule, the buildings on the site correct the wind flows, and it is enough to observe it for several days to understand where it most often blows.
Choosing furniture
The area can be supplemented with soft sofas and fresh flowers. In case of rain, it is worthwhile to provide a canopy to protect against bad weather. And in the heat, it will come in handy. However, you need to take into account that the climate is changeable, and rain can start abruptly even in summer. Be very careful choosing the proper furniture, as for example, yellow soft sofas and armchairs are not worth it. They will get wet and quickly deteriorate. Even a canopy won’t always save you. A better choice is lightweight wood or plastic furniture with cushions that can be quickly removed.
Choosing a style
The patio, like the summer cottage itself, is the realization of the tastes of its owner. Someone loves an abundance of decor, while someone does not tolerate even a minimum of “unnecessary nonsense.”
In regards to material, it always depends on the style. For a loft, high-tech, minimalist – brick, stone, tile are suitable. For Provence, chalet, country – wood, and decking will be the ideal choice. You can whip up something from pallets, but at the same time, it is possible to adjust such material to different styles.
If the patio is to function in the winter, it is better to install sliding systems so that in winter, you can light a fireplace and admire the winter landscapes through panoramic windows.
Provided that a large space is allocated for the recreation area, it can be divided into zones. In one part there will be a table with armchairs, in the other – sofas, next to which you can put a TV or a stereo system if there is a need for it.
As a general rule, it is good to decorate the space with flowers – they always give comfort, make the space bright and at the same time delicate, fill it with colors and cheer up.

How to decorate?
Any patio will look like a harmonious and logically completed area if you think carefully about design ideas. But since this corner is created in nature, then, of course, the use of natural materials will be the highlight. You should take advantage of the surrounding natural decor elements – stones, flowers, shrubs, and trees. Junipers and roses look great next to such a patio zone. You can twine a gazebo with grapes. Flowers are placed in vases and pots.
A water source will add comfort: a waterfall, fountain, stream, or pond. Do not forget those garden figurines corresponding to the preferred style can also be placed here.
Lighting is also worth considering. Usually, in such areas, nightlights look very natural and harmonious. It is preferable to arrange a cozy, slightly dim light that does not break the magic of the evening.
Additional decorative elements here can be pillows on sofas, blankets on armchairs, tablecloths on tables, and light air curtains. It is important to avoid overloading this space.
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