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Why Your Decluttering Methods Aren’t Working

If you have tried to declutter your home and you have failed, there could be some underlying reasons why that happens. Decluttering isn’t always the magic solution to make the mess in your home go away. There may be some other actions you need to take in order to keep your home tidy.

Here are some reasons why your decluttering process might not be working out like you imagined.

1. You Do It Once, and That’s All

Decluttering is a lifestyle and not just a one-time event. If you’re hoping to keep your home tidy, you have to declutter more often than just once a year. Decluttering has to be something you do frequently and something that stays in the back of your mind at all times.

The problem many people run into when they try to declutter and don’t see the results they’re looking for is that they don’t keep on decluttering. They simply do it once and then expect their home to stay neat and tidy. A single instance of decluttering can cut down on the mess and make it easier to keep your house clean, but then what happens when you go shopping and buy more stuff? What happens when people give you free items? Do you continue to clutter your home, or do you keep decluttering as a lifestyle choice?

You see the problem? There are always going to be opportunities to clutter your home, and you have to look for opportunities to declutter.

2. You Don’t Keep Cleaning Your Home Regularly

Every home needs to be cleaned regularly, even if it is only you who lives there. As you live in your home each day, there are things you will do that will make a mess and will accumulate untidiness. You need to address those and do regular cleaning.

Your daily cleaning routine can be small, but it needs to be effective for your home and your lifestyle so that you manage to keep a clean-looking home. It’s hard work to keep any home looking tidy, but just doing a little bit of cleaning each day will make an impact and will make it easier on you when you go to clean the entire house in a day. If you have trouble keeping up with all of the housework, you can always try a professional house cleaning service for busy families in San Francisco. Getting professional help can allow you to keep up with your responsibilities.

If you are not cleaning your home often, it will get cluttered pretty quickly. The clutter can get out of control, and you will wish you had kept up with the cleaning that needs to be done.

3. You Have Shopping Habits That Are Out of Control

In order to cut down on the clutter in your home, you have to get your spending habits under control. If you tend to buy a lot of stuff, that will make your home cluttered in no time. You will end up with tons of stuff that you don’t know what to do with, and you don’t know where to put it all.

If you cannot control your shopping habits, you will have a clutter problem until you do. Trying to fight the clutter while giving in to your worst impulses as a shopper will be like self-sabotage. You will feel like you are fighting a losing battle.

What helps is if you can sit down and write out your shopping goals and limits. Tell yourself what you will allow yourself to buy, how much you will allow yourself to spend, and where you will draw the line.

Maybe you need to set a limit as to how many shoes you can buy so that you don’t buy more than you have closet space for. Maybe you can limit your spending budget so that you only spend a little bit each month on nonessentials. These kinds of rules, written down on paper and carefully adhered to, will make a difference. If they don’t completely curb your spending habits and cut down on the clutter, at least they will help to move you in the right direction.

4. You Are Not Creating Proper Storage

When you declutter, where does everything go? Do you give it away? Do you store it somewhere in your home? If you don’t place them somewhere appropriate, those items can end up back in the space of your home and create clutter.

It’s important to reduce clutter in an effective way. That means storing things away where they’re out of sight and not creating clutter. It also means getting rid of what you can. You have to determine what goes into storage, what can stay in the house, what can be out in the open where it is seen, and what needs to be completely removed from your possession.

In order to declutter effectively, you may need to buy or install storage cabinets. You can also purchase some storage bins and other storage containers that will help you pack things away and put them out of sight.

5. You Don’t Have a Decluttering Plan

What is your plan for decluttering your home? As we mentioned earlier, if you only declutter one time, your home will not stay tidy for long. You need to have a plan for how you’re going to declutter, how often you’re going to declutter, and what happens to everything you plan to remove from the home.

Decluttering takes forethought and planning. You can’t just go into it blind and play it by ear and hope for the best. That won’t get your home decluttered very well. The more effort and planning you put into your decluttering, the more rewarding it will be and the better your home will look afterward.  

We know decluttering can be a lot of work, but the finished result is well worth it. Your home can look organized, neat, and free of clutter once you put in the work necessary.