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Photo by Elizaveta Strelkova on Unsplash

Do’s and Don’ts for Thyroid Patients

Were you aware one in every 1,000 men suffers from a thyroid condition? In terms of females, studies have found that as many as 15 in 1,000 women are required to take some type of thyroid-related medication. While the good news is that there are many modern treatment options available, it is still important to follow some specific guidelines to avoid future complications. Therefore, let us take a look at some professional recommendations for thyroid patients and specific habits to avoid at all costs if you hope to remain healthy.

How to Care for Your Thyroid

It is first wise to mention that patients need to check the condition of their thyroid (and the associated hormone levels) on a regular basis. While this is normally done within laboratory settings, there are a growing number of at-home test kits which may be used (after consulting with a physician). 

Make it a point to drink plenty of water each day. However, ensure that this water is distilled. Distilled water contains very low levels of chemicals such as bromine, chlorine, and iodine. It will, therefore, not impact thyroid function. Professionals also recommend drinking distilled water if you happen to be taking T3 medication to increase its efficacy. 

Those with a diagnosed thyroid issue should consume plenty of foods that are rich in B-complex vitamins. Why is this important? It has been shown that B vitamins help the body to convert T4 hormones into their T3 counterparts. This is important in terms of maintaining a balanced metabolism. Let’s also remember that B-complex vitamins can help to boost your immune system and to reduce inflammation. Some tasty substances worth considering include:

  • Almonds and Brazil nuts
  • Shellfish such as crab
  • Sesame seeds
  • Leafy green vegetables such as spinach
  • Salmon and cod

Things to Avoid

There are also some habits which should be avoided at all costs. Anyone with a thyroid problem must abstain from drinking alcohol. Alcohol has been shown to suppress thyroid function. Smoking cigarettes should also be curtailed. Nicotine blocks the uptake of iodine, and it also prevents the thyroid from creating certain hormones. 

When consumed in large amounts, both sugar and caffeine have been shown to place the body under a significant amount of metabolic stress. This can affect the ability of the pituitary glands to produce TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone). So, use sugar and caffeine sparingly. 

Finally, never self-medicate. This has been a growing trend due in no small part to the numerous recommendations which can be found online. Such an action can actually make your condition worse. Make it a point to speak with a physician or a thyroid specialist if you believe that a problem may be present.

Maintaining a healthy thyroid does not necessarily have to represent a complicated task if you keep the recommendations outlined above in mind. As always, be sure to follow any advice provided by a trained medical professional. 

Featured Photo by Elizaveta Strelkova on Unsplash