Parents only want the best for their children. Mothers, in particular, develop a special relationship with their children because it is in their maternal instinct to nurture their kids. Thus, it can be heartbreaking for a mother to see that one of her children is suffering from addiction.
Addiction comes in different forms, and symptoms of addiction from one person to another varies. The treatments also differ significantly. Nevertheless, there are significant signs that may alert you that one of your children may be suffering from addiction. If you or a loved one is suffering from addiction to drugs or alcohol, call a drug hotline or see our orange county drug rehab to get the help you need to achieve long-term sobriety.
You can call a drug hotline for additional help.
In these instances, various ways can help your child, and your family overcome this challenge and restore your relationship.
Deciding to quit
When a person starts using drugs, smoking, alcohol, the internet, etc. They never imagine that they will become addicted to it. They think they can quit anytime they want. Overtime the addiction seems to take over their life. Then they realize they find it difficult to stop. The first step in being free from your addiction is your decision to quit. It is at this stage when you recognize that you have a problem and you need help to overcome it. To help you find clarity, it will be best if you can write down the harmful effects of your addiction to your body, finances, or relationships, among others. Think about what triggers you and how your addiction transformed your life in a bad light. Putting the list so it is viewable to you will remind you what your addiction is doing to you. This list will be a powerful reminder that will encourage you to stop.
A mother will be able to observe behavioral changes in her children. Observation will help a mother to recognize if their child has an addiction. She will also understand if their child wants to stop their addiction. Find ways to encourage your child to find it within themselves to decide to quit. Spend more quality time with them and always keep an open communication.
Sometimes we just don’t want to believe that our son or daughter has a problem. We want to believe them and don’t always recognize when they may be lying to us. When it becomes apparent that they have been lying, we need to be more observant so we can recognize the signs of their addiction. We need to be there for them and support them by getting them help.
Seeking personal support
Overcoming addictions doesn’t mean that you have to do it alone. It is best to ask for personal assistance. Help may come from your family and closest friends, with whom you establish your trust. If you are ready, open up to them and let them know what troubles you. Whether your child shows symptoms of substance and alcohol abuse, or internet and shopping addiction, your child will need all the support that he or she can get through your family.
If you are lucky, your child will open up to you about the things that he or she is having difficulty stopping or giving up. In less fortunate circumstances, you may recognize warning signs. It is essential to let your child know that you are always there to support them and that you are with him/her in this battle. It is vital in this stage that more love and support are given, without any judgment.
When one of your children suffers an addiction, getting them to pursue the advice of professionals through addiction and mental health treatment programs in rehabilitation and recovery facilities may be stressful.
Pursuing professional help
With the support of your family and closest friends, you have the opportunity to seek professional assistance. It is an understatement to say that overcoming addiction is difficult. More often than not, people suffering from various types of addiction need professional help and specialized treatment programs. There are several addiction treatment centers that provide specific treatments according to the needs of their patients.
Transitions Addiction Recovery Program, along with other treatment programs, help patients through a reality-based treatment. The treatment entails the need for continuing care planning, as well as education and local community participation. Apart from this, the treatment programs are usually tailored-fit depending on the addiction level of an individual. Some may need residential or partial-day treatment, while others may undergo intensive outpatient treatment that is followed by continuing care and a family program.
Depending on your personal needs, the treatment program of a substance abuse treatment center will be customized to ensure your success. While it may be difficult for a mother to enlist the help of professionals to treat their children, it may also be liberating. When one of your children suffers an addiction, getting them to pursue the advice of professionals through treatment programs in rehabilitation and recovery facilities may be stressful. However, this is a necessary step to help your child break free from his or her addiction. Some specific activities and programs can help your child bear the weight of the battle, making their recovery more manageable. Often, only these treatment facilities will be able to provide these activities.
Celebrating milestones
Give importance to the little wins you accomplish day by day. These are your milestones in your battle with anything of which you are addicted. Do something nice for yourself when you achieve a goal you have made for yourself or when you reach a target of your program. It doesn’t necessarily have to be something big and grand, but choose something that will make you feel good. You need to be careful to avoid the triggers that cause your addiction.
It is also essential to give credit to your child when it is due. Celebrate milestones with them by spending more time and visiting them in the treatment center as often as allowed. A tight hug and a reassuring touch are sufficient to let them know that you are one with them. Make it an effort to cook their favorite food and celebrate their achievements. Also, write some notes of encouragement with a token, which can serve as their daily reminder that they are not alone in their battle. It is necessary to know what their program allows or not allow to avoid triggers of their addiction.
A person suffering from addiction needs intervention. People who are addicted to certain things or acts don’t necessarily recognize that they are manifesting the symptoms of addiction. While it may be difficult for a mother to witness her child undergo such distress, various ways may help an individual overcome this difficult time.