Homemade Vaseline + A Simply Homemade Clean

A Simply Homemade Clean

The following guest post is from Lisa Barthuly, author of A Simply Homemade Clean:

Simplify. Save Money. Two things that seem pretty elusive these days, huh? Not so!

Making your own homemade products sounds pretty overwhelming, but the truth is, it’s simple.  I’ve been making my own bath, beauty and cleaning products for over a decade—and I’d love to show you how too!

One of the most commonly used items you can so easily make yourself is Homemade Vaseline. This stuff is so great I use it as a lotion in the dry winter months!

Homemade “Vaseline®”

This is a great recipe and it just does not get any easier! With two ingredients and the two minutes it takes to make, you can’t go wrong…and the results are amazing. I use this as you would any petroleum jelly product, and I love it as a hand and foot lotion, too. Although it takes a minute to absorb into the skin, it does a great job of relieving dry skin! I will often put it on before bed and let it really soak in overnight.

I love this stuff!

Gather up one half-pint canning jar, regular mouth lid (I prefer the plastic ones for homemade goodies such as this) and whatever pan you will melt your ingredients in (stainless is best here, definitely not a non-stock pan). I use a 2 cup stainless measure ‘pan’ which makes it really easy!


  • 1/2 cup olive oil
  • 1/8 cup beeswax pellets


Pour ingredients in your pan. Melt on low heat until completely melted together. Remove from heat.

Pour into your half-pint canning jar. Let it stand until cool and hardened, and then put your lid on and label.

I put the recipe right on the label of my homemade products, when it will fit, and in this case it sure does! That way I (or my children) can make it again simply because the recipe is right there!

This is a perfect example of how absolutely simple, pure, and frugal making your own homemade health and beauty products can be.

A Simply Homemade Clean

Would you like to rid your home of commercial, toxic products but don’t want to pay the price for the “all natural”, “organic” products that line the shelf? Learn to make your own! Create everything from your own laundry soap, to homemade dryer sheets, antibacterial spray cleaners, potpourri blends, fabric softeners, calendula salve, homemade “Vaseline,” handcrafted eucalyptus chest rub . . . even tips for the outside of the homestead and much more!

A must have for those looking not only to simplify, but to cut that grocery bill down, create a healthier environment for our families, and revive the art of making our own!

A Simply Homemade Clean eBook is available now through August 31st for just 99 cents! Get yours today.

Lisa Barthuly lives in the mountains of the American Redoubt with her family. She is a follower of Yeshua, Torah lover, Helpmeet, and Mama! She enjoys a simple, home-centered life, built on God’s foundations; studying Scripture, homeschooling, scratch baking and cooking, canning, candle making, gardening organically, raising dairy goats and chickens, she’s the family herbalist, enjoys goat milk mochas, reading, and loves a round of competitive target practice! Visit her at her ‘homestead on the web’ at Homestead Originals. 

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