Interior design for the Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic types of people

Did you know that there are Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic Learning Styles? Some people learn better using different methods of learning. Did you know that it is also not about the style of learning but also the style of the reality perception? Let’s find out which type of perception you identify with more when it comes to interior design decoration based on your learning style.


Visuals are people with the motto: “To make it beautiful.” Regulars of Pinterest, subscribers of interior blogs on Instagram, surround themselves with beauty and suffer from the aesthetic imperfections of the interior.

To please your inner visual, follow a few rules:

  • decide on your favorite style direction;
  • make a plan to transform your home;
  • adhere to a single concept in all rooms;
  • watch out for the little things.

Favorite style direction

Once you decide on your style direction, it will become easier to imagine your dream interior. Interior style is the thread on which you put your beads: color palette, materials, furniture, and textiles. Thanks to this method, it will become clear in which direction to move.

Once you’ve decided on a style, start learning it. Create a folder on your computer with examples that strike your eye, analyze each to understand what exactly attracted you. Sometimes you find an image that catches your eye, but instead of coping with the whole design, choose the elements you like best and incorporate that idea into your own unique room. Don’t give up trying to figure out what makes your chosen style special; find the elements you like and form your own unique style.

House transformation plan

The biggest temptation for the visual is to rush purchase different decor and furniture; having a vague idea of ​​how everything should look is important before you go off shopping. A luxury crystal chandelier can look magical in a store and still wreak havoc on your budget and interior integrity. As a result, having an idea of how the various pieces will fit together before making your purchases.

move-in stages:

  • Highlight what annoys you the most at the moment. It will probably be something like faded wallpaper or a cat-torn chair. Remember these steps- throw away what you can – repair and restore the rest; then prepare a list of what to buy.
  • Plan your flooring, paint, and wallpaper. 
  • Make a budget.
  • Compose your design project. Explore online stores and ask for material samples to see how they will look at home.

One concept

I’ve seen friends decorate a whole room in a classic style, then visited a fashion exhibition and fell in love with pop art and re-decorated their space. It’s important to explore various design ideas to see which you like the most before starting your project. 

Take a break before buying anything that doesn’t fit at all. Walk around the house, see where and how it can be used. Think about whether the new thing will still catch your eyes in a couple of months?

Experiment with the color palette; add a twist to each room but stick to the same them throughout the house to keep the flow. You don’t want each room to be decored with a different theme; this would break up the house and not provide a soothing theme.

Annoying little things

Understand what you like; overfilling a room may make some people feel cozy, but others may find it cause them stress as it may make them feel as the space is not clean. Others enjoy minimalism, while others feel it make the space feel empty. 

To make these little things feel like they belong, make sure to plan and detail each step in the design process. It is also helpful to read various forums to learn from others.


Kinesthetics are people who like to touch in order to feel connected with the space and tactile senses. They will involuntarily palm your velvet sofa, thoughtfully twist a rough clay mug in their hands, and ask how you wash soft towels.

Everyone wants a beautiful home. But for kinesthetics at heart, it is important that the home is tactilely pleasant. And since this is important, we will embody it:

  • in finishing materials;
  • in textiles.

Decoration Materials

Floor covering is very important for kinesthetics. Wood is suitable for the bedroom and living room, and tiles for the corridor, bathroom, and kitchen. It is Ideal if the tiles are heated, creating a pleasant feel to bare feet in winter.


There are dozens of types of bed linen, and you will have to choose empirically. Someone says that there is nothing better than silk sheets, while others prefer cotton or linen.

Don’t forget the rugs, and don’t order them online until you feel them. Put two of the nicest rugs by the bed and in the bathroom to enjoy in the morning.

The upholstery of furniture also plays a role. Don’t be afraid to focus on fabric texture. We can recommend to you some really qualitative upholstered furniture that you can find at Nyfurnitureoutlets.

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash


Auditories are people whose needs in the interior are hardly spoken about. But the most important thing for them is “Good sound.” And even the softest towels and graceful vases cannot replace good acoustics.

The walls and ceiling spoil the acoustics. They resonate and interfere.

At a forum of good music lovers, one participant told how, back in 1969, he pasted over all the walls in room five by five meters with packages of egg cartons and painted them to help the acoustics in the room. He still listens to music in this room and rejoices.

It really works, but if you have decided on an acoustic renovation, cover the walls with modern echo-correcting materials. Before that, buy one or two of these panels and apply them to the walls in order to understand which ones work the best in your space.

If this move seems too drastic, there are natural absorbers and diffusers of sound: shelves with books, thick curtains on the windows, or carpet on the floor for your design.

All three types of perception do not occur in their pure form. This means that you combine at least two or even all three. That is, in the evenings after work and on weekends, you will have to spend time looking for the most stylish speakers or the nicest carpet in the right shade. 

Featured Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

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