More people are becoming environmentally conscientious today than ever before in history, especially families with children to think about. And as the scientific community continues to build consensus regarding the impacts of anthropogenic climate change, more people see both the ethical and financial benefits of living a green life.
Studies have shown that 97 percent of actively publishing climate scientists agree that the earth is warming, and humans are likely causing its acceleration in exponential proportions. As carbon levels increase and other greenhouse gasses are being pumped into the atmosphere, the global temperature correspondingly follows.
So what can the common person do to help curb the effects of climate change? Well, you may be surprised, but there are many steps that you can take. And many of these steps also help to save you money as well.
If you’re interested in saving more cash annually and helping to create a better environment for your family, the following will provide a few solutions for you to consider.
Solar Panels
The sun is the most abundant energy source that we have available. In fact, it’s been theorized that if we could harness the full energy output of just one hour of direct sunlight, this would be enough to fulfill the entire world’s energy needs for an entire year.
Fortunately, we do have technology available to harness sunlight and transform it into usable energy in the form of solar panels. And though you’ll spend a bit upfront installing solar panels, you’ll not only be reducing your carbon footprint tremendously. You’ll also be able to save money in the long run.
For example, when you’re able to produce your own energy, you won’t have to rely on a major power grid for all of your power needs, thus reducing or eliminating your power bill. And if you have a solar installation, you may actually be entitled to a power rebate check each year if you produce more energy than what you use from a local power grid.
But installing solar panels isn’t exactly a DIY project. Having a professional solar panel installer set up your installation is the best strategy to get the most out of your solar panels.

Energy-Saving Appliances
The main sources of energy consumption in your home are your appliances. And though you could go back to 19th Century living habits and remove all of your appliances if you so choose, you might find that it’s a bit of a hassle to walk down to the creek to wash your clothes.
Instead of living the Amish life, going green by upgrading your appliances and other devices in your home can greatly reduce your carbon footprint and allow you to save money in the process.
The following appliances have energy-saving alternatives for you to consider:
- Dishwashers
- Refrigerators
- Washers
- Dryers
- Lighting
- Thermostats
In addition, Energy Star appliances are still available to gain rebates each year when you file your taxes. And it’s been estimated that by installing these items in your home, you’ll also be able to save anywhere between 20 to 70 dollars per day in annual energy costs. Living the green life brings great savings to your budget.
Water Consumption
Water is a finite resource. Though we have a planet made up of 71 percent water, less than half of 1 percent is considered drinkable freshwater. And most of this is either underground or locked away in glacial ice.
By installing low-flow faucets and showers, you’ll be able to reduce your water consumption. And this simply means that when you run your faucet or shower, you’ll be using anywhere between 5 to 25 percent less water, depending on the type of hardware you install.
Over time, you’ll not only reduce your water consumption, but you’ll also save money each year on your water bill. This is great news for your wallet and all living things on the planet that depend on access to fresh water to survive.
Other methods to consider are sink water aerators, cold water instead of hot water (also helps reduce energy costs), and low-flow toilets. And believe it or not, just by placing a brick into your toilet’s tank, you can displace the amount of water you’d normally use to flush with.
Helping to keep the environment safe is everyone’s responsibility. And if you have a family with small children, ensuring that they can grow up while enjoying their environment should be placed highly on your list of priorities.
Featured Photo by Arthur Ogleznev from Pexels