What Role Does Medical School Admissions Consulting Play in Strengthening Students’ Statements and Essays?

Pursuing a career in medicine is a dream shared by many, but the competition for securing a spot in medical school can be very difficult. With thousands of applications flooding in every year, aspiring medical professionals must stand out. This is where medical school admissions consulting comes into play. So, in this article, let us…

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Read more about the article 8 Surefire Ways to Avoid Plagiarism in Your Essays
Image by Karolina Grabowska from Pixabay

8 Surefire Ways to Avoid Plagiarism in Your Essays

Since an academic essay is built upon existing research, studies, and popular opinions, you may accidentally plagiarize. Besides, there are so many rules that students often get confused about what is allowed and what is not. However, as a general rule of thumb, you must know that using someone else’s work and claiming it to…

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Read more about the article Are Custom Essay Writing Services Legal to Use?
Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Are Custom Essay Writing Services Legal to Use?

More and more students are looking for assistance with essay writing, and who can blame them? In the last two years, university students have been unable to study in the way generations of students before them have done – on campus, sitting in lecture halls, and getting one-to-one attention from tutors. Unfortunately, even before the…

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Read more about the article Don’t Have Time for Another Writing Assignment?
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Don’t Have Time for Another Writing Assignment?

When given a specific, extensive writing assignment- whether for high school, college, a potential job or volunteer opportunity, or even a scholarship application- most people automatically groan in reluctance. Even the most educated people will grumble, unwilling to exert their time and effort into writing a knowledgeable, fluent essay simply because the creation process takes…

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5 reasons to make a career shift after your maternity leave

Maternity leaves are an important part of a woman’s life. For one, you get a new perspective on life, becoming a mother to your newborn child. Secondly, many of today’s women are professionals in executive positions who deal with a lot of stress and pressure on a daily basis. This results in a very sudden…

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Read more about the article Step by Step Guide on How to Write A Critical Thinking Essay
Photo by Zen Chung from Pexels

Step by Step Guide on How to Write A Critical Thinking Essay

How to write an effective critical thinking essay? Before we guide on how to write a critical essay, let us understand what critical thinking is. Critical thinking is a complex analysis that involves rigorous thinking to form an opinion or judgment about an issue or evidence or information you came across. The subject of your…

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