Why Do You Need a Pedestrian Accident Attorney When Claiming Compensation?

Why Do You Need a Pedestrian Accident Attorney When Claiming Compensation?
Image by Chris Diller from Pixabay

When a pedestrian is struck by a vehicle, catastrophic injuries and even death can result. While most people believe pedestrians will get fair compensation when involved in an accident, this is not always the case. Sometimes, pedestrians are blamed for their injuries. It is essential injured victims learn about their rights to seek compensation. Protecting their rights or best interests often begins with hiring a pedestrian accident attorney Tacoma.

Four Reasons a Pedestrian Accident Victim Needs an Attorney

Although an injured victim undoubtedly has the right to pursue their claim without legal help, this is not always the best choice. When someone is hit by a car, they often suffer serious injuries that require long-term medical care. The following offers some of the important reasons an injured victim should consider getting help from an attorney for their pedestrian accident. 

1. Many pedestrians suffer major injuries after being struck by a car. Often, the injuries are so severe the victim cannot focus on the legal matters of their claim. When working with an attorney, the attorney takes over all the steps involved in pursuing fair compensation. They handle insurance negotiations and file lawsuits. 

2. It is important to determine fault as soon as possible in a pedestrian accident. Determining fault begins by performing a thorough investigation of the accident. When a victim works with an attorney, the attorney performs an investigation to find fault. 

3. Negotiations are an essential part of the settlement process. Negotiating with the insurance company is not always easy. In fact, if a person does not have an attorney working on their side, they can end up having their claim denied. 

4. Although lawsuits are not always necessary when settlements cannot be reached, going to court becomes an option. If a pedestrian’s case ends up in the courts, the attorney will represent their client through the entire process and work to ensure the best possible outcome is achieved. 

Benefits of Hiring a Lawyer

Dealing with the aftermath of a serious pedestrian accident can be highly stressful for victims. Recovering from their injuries is difficult enough, but they must also handle their legal issues to receive fair compensation. Hiring a lawyer to help them offers the following benefits. 

  • The lawyer becomes an advocate for their injured client.
  • The victim will have their rights and best interests protected. 
  • The lawyer will take over all the paperwork and other steps involved. 
  • The injured victim will be able to focus fully on their recovery. 
Pedestrian Accident Attorney
Image by LEANDRO AGUILAR on Pixabay

Schedule a Consultation Appointment

One of the first things an injured pedestrian needs to do after a serious accident is seek medical care. No matter how minor their injuries may seem, getting medical care right away is essential. 

Next, injured victims need to schedule a consultation appointment with the pedestrian accident lawyer. Many of these lawyers offer free consultation appointments so individuals will not have to worry about payment. 

Hiring a lawyer offers great peace of mind to injured victims. No injured pedestrian should be forced to deal with the insurance company alone. Getting legal help will not guarantee an outcome, but it can certainly provide great peace of mind and a stress reduction. 

It is essential injured victims do not wait too long to seek legal help. The statute of limitations determines the amount of time victims have to file a lawsuit. Schedule an appointment with an attorney now to avoid problems.

Featured Image by Chris Diller from Pixabay

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