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Why is Scrum the Most Popular Agile Framework?

Undoubtedly, Scrum has proven to be the most popular because of all the product development and project management methodologies built around the agile methodology. And not without a good reason as numbers speak for themselves. When the Scrum processes and rules are properly followed in implementing a project, expect improvement across most development metrics. 

However, what is it that makes it so popular, though? What are Scrum’s key benefits?

In the following post, we will outline the many benefits and why Scrum works so well.

First, let’s tackle the benefits. 

Scrum Benefits2

The benefits of utilizing Scrum for product development and project management are numerous and start from a simplified process adaptive to change, ending with simply happier developers and customers. 

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The ability to complete complicated projects that you would not have had the option to have done before Scrum had been developed.

  • Better end-user satisfaction
  • Better morale among employees and team members
  • Improved ability to implement changes as and when they occur
  • Lower project and product cots
  • Higher rate of productivity across the project in all teams and sub-teams
  • Better quality at all stages 
  • Faster release time for a useable product to customers and other end-users.Now that we have highlighted the key benefits, we will also delve a little deeper and understand exactly why Scrum works as well as it does.
Scrum Principles
Satpathyt, CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Why Scrum Works So Well

The benefits we highlighted above are just a small part of why Scrum is so popular and successful. Let’s dig a little deeper.

Different Teams complete work at the Same Time

Compared to the way things are done on projects run using different methodologies and frameworks, work is completed by different parts of a development team at the same time, instead of the more traditional sequential way. In software development using Scrum as a framework, for instance, programmers regularly start coding things using educated guesses and precise estimations, rather than waiting around for all the questions and queries to be fully answered. 

Because the Scrum mentality includes changeability and flexibility, there is always room for a margin of error. Things are never unfixable. 


In addition to being highly flexible and changeable, Scrum product development is also incredibly adaptable. Even when a project is still underway, changes can be fully supported by all involved and incorporated into the finished product. Although the cost and time are constants, the scope of a project, that is, what needs to be done, is variable. 

Which sets it apart from the more traditional product development approach that was used in the past. With that, it was the opposite, where the cost and time were variables, but the scope was a constant, meaning it had to rigidly stick to a set plan. 

Tasks Are Completed in Order of Importance

Image by Dirk Wouters from Pixabay

Another thing that makes Scrum stand out and very successful is that its importance prioritizes all the tasks necessary for completing a project. This, in turn, means that the tasks that are completed first are those that affect the ROI most. 

The idea is to have the opportunity to release some of the completed sections of important work released in a sprint, meaning that parts of the product are actually available on the market quicker because you are not always waiting until you have a fully finished and polished end product.

Your Development Team is Crucial

Scrum really puts the development team at the front and center of your project. These are usually comprised of around 5 to 9 members. They interface very closely and work to the adage of “one for all and all for one.” 

With each sprint, the development team has the goal of completing working segments of the prioritized work as quickly as possible to provide the most value to the business. 

Rather than the bulk of the work falling to just one or two people, everyone involved in the development team is responsible for all required elements. 

Everyone helps on any given job to get it done. Pair programming is very much encouraged in the Scrum approach, following another adage or proverb that states “two heads are better than one” This means coding is completed much quicker with a higher level of quality too.

Improved Morale

Scrum teams do not have a singular boss who tells them what they need to do, meaning that all members tend to identify more with a project and see it like their own baby. This, in turn, improves morale among the team. The ScrumMaster also plays a part in a team’s improved morale as they are there to mentor and protect the team from any outside pressures. As noted above, pair programming is used a lot, which means the team’s rate increases their knowledge during the development stage is quicker than if everyone was working on their own.

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