12 Ways to Organize Your Home for A New Season

12 Ways to Organize Your Home for A New Season
Photo by Leticia Ribeiro from Pexels

If you want to get organized at home and make sure you have everything in place for a brand new season, the following 12 tips could help you. Getting organized can be tough at the best of times, but you should feel inspired and find the motivation you need to get going with the ideas here. Take a look and see what you can do to get organized:

1. Make Sure Everything Has A Place 

One of the best organizing tips you’ll ever take on board is making sure everything has a place for each new season. If you’re not entirely sure where something ‘lives’ in your home right now, try to figure out where you can keep it. Ideally, you’ll keep certain items close to where you most use them, so you don’t have to mess around. 

2. Make it Make Sense For You

Ultimately, your home layout and what you keep in it need to make sense for you. You’re the only person (aside from your family) that needs to find your home functional, so make sure you can use it the way you want to. Consider how you use certain rooms or how you’d like to use them and make changes. As well as making sure your home is functional and practical, you’ll want to ensure it’s aesthetically pleasing. To make your home look better without spending a fortune, you can:

  • Try a new layout. Use an app to figure out what will look best before you exert all of that energy. 
  • Add a fresh coat of paint in a new color to one wall. 
  • Consider if you have any items that are making your home look visually cluttered. 
  • Don’t shy away from using statement pieces in your home! 
  • Use plants and flowers to bring life and color to your home. 

3. Apply The Rule: ‘One In, One Out’

Try to make ‘one in, one out’ your mantra. Before bringing something new into your home, consider what you can get rid of. This ensures you’re not bringing even more clutter into your home and forces you to consider whether this new item is something you really want. 

4. Use It, Love It, Or Lose It

Go through your things and find things you can get rid of. This will free up space for any new items you need, or simply give the items you keep more room to breathe. If you don’t use something or at least love the way it looks, you should get rid of it. Don’t convince yourself that you’ll use an item if you haven’t used it in 6 months or more. You’re not going to! 

Marie Kondo is especially fond of giving out this advice. If an item in your home doesn’t spark joy when you spend time with it, get rid of it. So many people keep items that they simply don’t need or use when they could all go off to better homes. 

5. Buy More Storage – After Purging 

After you’ve purged yourself of all of the items you no longer want, you can invest in more storage. Waiting until after you’ve purged ensures that you don’t go OTT and buy more storage than you need. Storage is key in any family home. It stops certain rooms and areas from looking too cluttered and ensures your items stay organized for each new season. 

6. Avoid Using Surfaces As A Dumping Zone

clean kitchen counters
Photo by R ARCHITECTURE on Unsplash

Many homeowners and family members are guilty of using every surface in the home as a dumping zone. Tables, sideboards, and pretty much every other surface start piling up with homework, letters, documents, receipts, and all kinds of other bits and pieces. To stop this from happening, you can use flower arrangements and placemats to send a clear message that you can’t just drop anything you like on your table. When your surfaces look nice, you’re less likely to drop things there. Then, as discussed above, you need to make sure everything has a place. 

Try to deal with letters, receipts, and other pieces of paper as soon as you get them to avoid this altogether. 

7. Pick Your Accessories Carefully

Picking your home accessories carefully is key if you want to make sure your home fits the new season. In winter, for example, you can get away with plenty of cozy textures, throws, and rich colors. In summer, you may want to lighten things up, both in terms of texture and color choice. You can easily swap accessories over when you need to, providing you have a place to store what you don’t use. 

 8. Ask Family Members to Get Involved

Make sure you ask family members to get involved in making the house presentable. It’s not unreasonable to expect kids to do their own bedrooms! Tell them exactly what you’d like them to do, and make sure you keep them accountable.  

9. Organize Other Areas of Your Life

Organize your life
Image by Karolina Grabowska from Pixabay

Use this as an opportunity to organize other areas of your life, such as your garden, your car, and even your iPhone. If you’re tired of getting the iPhone storage full notification, do something about it! You’ll feel so much better afterward. 

10. Set Aside Plenty of Time

You know yourself best, so figure out how long you’re going to be able to focus on and commit to it. It could be a case of taking 25 minutes a day or picking one room a day to focus on. You may need to take smaller baby steps than that – what matters is that you slowly work towards whatever you’d like to achieve in preparation for this new season. You might even want to set up appointments with companies who can help you to get your phone ready, such as gardeners, air conditioning specialists, and so on. 

11. Go Paperless

To further avoid clutter, see if you can use apps like Evernote to keep track of documents you need to keep but don’t want to have lying around. 

12. Make Your Wardrobe More Efficient 

Finally, make your wardrobe more efficient. Put clothes you won’t wear for a while away in airtight bags and get out clothes ready for the new season. If you must buy new clothes, make sure you’ll get plenty of wear out of them, and aim to have them for years. Fast fashion is ruining the planet

Featured Photo by Leticia Ribeiro from Pexels

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