Taking care of yourself to heal an injury is more important than you might realize. Although the human body will naturally try to heal itself, it can only happen under the right conditions, and certain factors (like stress) will slow down the healing process.
If you’re trying to recover from an injury, follow these tips to support a healthy, speedy recovery.
1. Hire an attorney
Huge medical bills are often a major source of stress after an injury. Although you can get basic treatment without paying for it upfront, you’ll still be on the hook for the bill, and if you don’t pay it, your credit report will suffer. This level of stress can take a negative toll on your body and disrupt healing. If you’re constantly worried about how you’ll pay your medical bills and wondering if you’ll have to file for bankruptcy, your body will be in a constant state of fight or flight, pumping out cortisol and adrenaline nonstop. These hormones will prolong the healing process.
If your injury was caused by someone else’s negligence, the first thing you should do is contact an attorney to get legal representation. If you don’t file a lawsuit, you won’t recover anywhere near the amount of compensation you deserve. Even if you’re offered a settlement by an insurance company, it’s going to be a lowball offer by default because they will protect their profits before paying out a fair settlement. There’s no guarantee an insurance company’s offer will cover your medical bills, let alone all the household bills that can pile up when you’re unable to work.
Filing a lawsuit is your best chance at recovering compensation when you have a strong case. Most personal injury attorneys take cases on a contingency, and you won’t owe them anything until and unless you win.
2. Eat good nutrition
Never underestimate the power of nutrition to aid your body’s natural healing abilities. Food is fundamental in the sense that it literally becomes our bodies. What we eat gets processed and turned into the various chemicals and elements needed to keep us alive and healthy. Eating good nutrition will support your body in its attempt to heal itself.
Good nutrition has been shown to play a crucial role in wound healing. The intricacies of wound healing are complex, but generally speaking, the body uses nutrients to replace damaged tissue with new, healthy tissue, and this process requires an increase in energy not just for the tissue regeneration, but for the body to engage in the first place.
While the body is healing, it goes into a catabolic phase and alters metabolism to supply the injured area with the necessary nutrients and hormones, including amino acids. If the catabolic state is prolonged or the body doesn’t get the right nutrition, it can go into a state of protein-energy malnutrition, where the body will use proteins for energy, depleting the amino acids needed for healing.
Talk to a nutritionist to find out what foods you should be eating to optimize your nutrition for wound healing. Most likely, they’ll recommend high-protein foods and good fats, like meats, cheese, yogurt, avocado, and butter.
3. Meditate to alleviate stress
Stress can prolong the healing process so it’s important to do what you can to mitigate this problem. If you’re feeling upset about your injury, dealing with a lawsuit, or just trying to keep your life moving forward, you’re probably experiencing a hefty dose of stress.
The good news is it doesn’t take much effort to relieve stress. Meditation can go a long way to calm your nervous system and get your whole body to relax. You can do a guided meditation, a silent meditation, or just focus on your breath while lying in bed. Every effort you make to slow your breath and bring your brainwaves into a state of calm will contribute to your wellbeing.
4. Rest more than you think you need
Rest is imperative for wound healing regardless of your injury. With some exceptions that can only be determined by a physical therapist, you need to rest more than you think is needed. If you’re the type of person who gets up and toughs things out while hurt, don’t do that this time around. Allow your body the time to heal. If you try to do too much too soon, you might ruin your progress.
Always follow your doctor’s instructions
Last but not least, follow your doctor’s advice and instructions for treatment. Doing so will help you recover better, manage your pain, and strengthen your lawsuit should you pursue the at-fault party in court.