Free Printable Tax Checklist to Organize Your Tax Documents

free tax checklist

By now, many of you have already done their online tax filing. You probably didn’t need a checklist anyway because you’re on top of things, so you didn’t miss too much. But for the rest of us — you know, those of us who put off doing our taxes because we know it’s going to be a headache — a simple checklist can be a big help.

Use this checklist to gather the information you need to prepare your taxes whether you do them yourself or hire someone else to do them for you. You could spend an afternoon gathering it all at once or work section-by-section over a couple of weeks.

When you’re done, be sure to read through this post on planning for next year and get a jumpstart on your 2011 taxes!

Click here download or print the free tax checklist.

Get all of the Life Your Way printables The complete set includes all printables published to date, organized by folder for easy download.

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