While the job market may be dwindling in many respects as our country’s economy is on the decline, there is still hope for the digital nomad. Finding work may be somewhat harder than normal, but not as difficult as you may think. Ultimately, all you need is an internet connection and a laptop to pull it off.
The online job/career pool continues to thrive and grow each day as new websites are launched. Almost anyone of any educational background, skill, or job experience can find a way that they too can live the life of a digital nomad.
Teaching online

A number of opportunities are available in the realm of teaching. All types of music can be taught online (including beatboxing!) through many sites such as Lessonface and TakeLessons. Teaching English as a foreign language is another booming industry right now with organizations like VIPKid, GoGoKid, and Magic Ears.
Text chat operators
Many of the websites that are currently in operation today offer their customers the quick and easy opportunity to ask questions through an online chatbox. Here’s a job that sounds easy enough and pays the bills. This industry continues to grow as new websites are formed, and old ones come to their senses and include a chat box at the bottom of their web page.
Here’s a job in which all you need to do is type what someone else is saying. Granted, you need to include proper punctuation and grammar and adhere to each different organization’s “style guide,” but you can do this from anywhere you want. Here’s a job in which all you need to do is type what someone else is saying. Granted, you need to include proper punctuation and grammar and adhere to each different organization’s “style guide,” but you can do this from anywhere you want. For this job it can be helpful to speak a second language, and it’s now easier than ever to learn a language online.
Freelance writing

A number of sites exist today that operate as a sort of conduit connecting writers and clients. These sites make it easy to quickly start your writing career. Enjoy getting up when you want, starting work when you want, and ending the day when you want.
Proofreading and editing
Like freelance writing, yet different, proofreading and editing jobs are found in many different locations. All you need to do is type the keywords into your google search bar, sit back, and watch as many job opportunities pop up before your eyes.
Data entry
If you are already pretty well off and want to continue working to maintain your bank account but do it on the go, data entry may be right for you. Enjoy helping others in ways like putting together websites and Excel spreadsheets.
Where to live as a digital nomad

One of the great joys of being a digital nomad is that the face of the earth is open to you as your home. Worries are gone concerning moving, finding a new job, and starting from the bottom to work your way up again. You can now take all the hard work you have already done in a company with you and the reputation/promotions you have gained.
Digital nomads live just about anywhere they can find a good internet connection. What do you do if you get tired of a place? Simply pick a new one. If you live in a van, drive on to the next campsite. If you’re living in a furnished apartment in Seattle, search online for furnished apartments in Denver, Austin, or San Diego. The beauty of being a digital nomad is that you aren’t stuck living in the same place all year long, through the heat of summer and the dead of winter. You can trade the mountains for the beach, the woods for the city, snow for the desert, and heatwaves for cool breezes. You can just get up and go.
Sounds nice, doesn’t it? Well, why aren’t more people doing it? Part of the problem is that people are unaware of the opportunities out there. It’s much easier to drive around town and see “Help Wanted” signs posted in windows. However, there are plenty of opportunities for everyone to find their niche online. For those of you who are interested, don’t be intimidated or discouraged and think you can’t enjoy the nomad lifestyle like the rest of us. Whatever your background or qualifications are, there is a job that is just right for you.
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