Pinecone elf ornament {101 Days of Christmas}

Pinecone Elf Ornament

Various versions of these ornaments kept popping up in my Pinterest feed last year, and I added them to my must-do project list because they’re just so cute!

Pinecone elf ornaments are simple but adorable, and I’m hoping to gather a few more pinecones at my mom’s over Thanksgiving so that we can make these for our annual ornaments this year.


  • fat pinecones
  • felt in 1-3 different colors
  • pipe cleaners
  • 5/8″-7/8″ wooden balls
  • ribbon
  • hot glue


Glue a wooden ball to the top of the pinecone for the elf head.

Cut out felt mitten and boot shapes. Cut a pipe cleaner in half. Wrap half tightly around the pinecone an inch or so from the top and the other half as close to the bottom as you can get. Glue the mittens and boots to the ends of the pipe cleaners.

Cut a 6″ length of ribbon. Fold and tie the ends together.

Make a cone for the hat. The easiest way to do this is to cut one big circle (5″-6″ in diameter) and then cut that circle into quarters. Roll one-quarter up until the straight edges overlap. Before you glue the edges together, thread the ribbon loop through the hole at the top. Secure the cone and then glue it to the top of the wooden ball.

Let the glue dry, and then hang the pinecone elf on the tree!

Projects from the archives:

Felt Star Ornaments Pony Bead Candy Canes

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