Six Home Renovation Tips

Six Home Renovation Tips
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Some homeowners find renovations an exciting prospect, while they are the stuff of nightmares for others. No matter how small, any revamp has the potential to be disruptive and messy, which drives some people crazy. However, by keeping your eye on the prize and focusing on results, renovations are survivable.

Most experienced renovators reveal that patience is a primary factor in achieving redecorating or renovating success. Here are some other valuable tips you should consider:

Think beyond cosmetics

When people dive into a home renovation project, many focus on the aesthetic they are trying to achieve and do not think about practical matters. For example, if you are about to gut and renovate your living room, why not replace your old heating system with modern wall-mountable electric radiators from BestElectricalRadiators? It will save you the hassle of budgeting for it after the initial renovation and then undergo additional disruptions during the installation process. Cutting-edge technology means that radiators from Elnur Ecombi and Ecostrad iQ can save homeowners a fortune in utility bills. Product ranges include radiators for different-sized rooms that match any interior design preferences.

During any renovation of an older home, consider electrical outlets. These homes were not built with our reliance on appliances and electrical devices in mind. Therefore, many rooms have only one outlet. Instead of running extension cords and increasing the odds of an electrical fire, use the renovation to have additional outlets installed.  Consult with an expert to help you decide with this.

Use the light

When coming up with a home renovation plan, consider how much natural light a room gets on an average day. If it does not get much, do not choose dark colors to revamp as they will make the room appear dim and smaller than it is. Stick with light shades and create space in the room.

Alternatively, when there is insufficient natural light, you may need to create some. Do this by utilizing skylights or getting a lighting system that does not demand much electricity fitted. You can keep the lights on for longer without paying more on your energy bill.

Keep walls neutral

Many renovators favor bold paint and wallpaper. The pitfall of this is that these walls will need to be redone if you decide to redecorate the room later. Additionally, if you need to sell your house, you might have to paint the walls a more neutral color to make them attractive to potential buyers.

Painting the walls
Photo by Matthew Henry from Burst

Few people have identical interior design tastes. However, you can express yourself through furniture, drapes, throws, accents, and cushions without making the walls part of it. Keep them painted or wallpapered in a neutral color.

Focus on storage

A kitchen renovation should aim to create more storage space. Getting a designer’s help will enable you to maximize any area you have by creating custom storage solutions to suit your kitchen. A bathroom renovation should update old fittings and fixtures to create a more modern feel. This could include adding a shower or a new tub. Include storage options here, including additional cabinets.

Additional storage is not only beneficial to you after a renovation. It becomes a great selling point if you decide to sell your house. Buyers place a premium on having enough place to keep their possessions. Therefore, make creating storage a central part of your renovation plans.

Expect the unexpected

No renovation project goes according to plan. There will be delays and a few hiccups along the way that might cost extra to address and delay the project’s completion. Being prepared for such events makes renovations less stressful.

Include some extra money in your budget for these unexpected expenses as they could halt the whole process. If you find yourself having to pay to replace damaged wiring, it might mean you cannot finish other home renovation tasks if you have not made financial provisions.

Work in stages

Renovating in stages might make the process longer, but it helps. Instead of having contractors in every room of the house or using a similar approach if your project is DIY, focus on getting one room finished at a time.

A kitchen renovation can take as little as a week. However, it can take much longer if contractors are also adding closets and cabinets in other parts of your home. Plan your home renovation so that one room or project is complete before moving to another.

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