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Thinking of Getting a Facelift? Here’s What to Know First

If you are considering getting a facelift done, there are many things to consider before going through the procedure. A facelift is a surgical procedure that will remove wrinkles and slackened skin from your face while tightening underlying muscles. It can be expensive and disruptive to your daily life, so it’s important to understand what you’re getting into before deciding if this is something you want for yourself! This article will discuss some of the things you need to know before making the decision to have the surgery.

What You Need To Know About

It’s natural for people to want to look their best, but the quest often leads to frustration and disappointment. Sadly, many of the popular methods turn out to be ineffective or even damaging. One method that is safe and effective is facelift surgery performed by a top facial plastic surgeon. A facelift can help you look more youthful in just one procedure – so it might be worth considering! 

A facelift is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures. It’s also one of the most complicated, and there are some things you should know before going under the knife. Here are some tips to help you make an informed decision about whether or not to get a facelift in your 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, or beyond.

1. What Is A Facelift, And How Does It Work?

A facelift is a surgical procedure that removes wrinkles and slackened skin from the face while tightening underlying muscles. The surgery can be expensive, disruptive to your daily life, and even painful – so it’s important you know what you’re getting into before deciding if this is something you want for yourself! A plastic surgeon will remove excess tissues and fat deposits from the middle third of your face, then tighten and reposition muscles in a more youthful shape.

The surgery is done under general anesthesia to keep you asleep during the procedure; it involves an incision along your hairline or behind one ear. A facelift can lift up drooping skin on the forehead and neck while also tightening the skin on your cheeks.

2. How Much Does A Facelift Cost?

A facelift will typically cost between $2500 and $8000, but the price can be higher or lower depending on your surgeon’s experience as well as the type of procedure that is required. The surgery usually takes two to three hours while you are under general anesthesia in a hospital setting. One thing to note – if there’s any indication that you have a disease of the mouth, such as gum or tooth issues, then it’s important to bring that up with your doctor before proceeding.

3. Who Should Get A Facelift And Who Shouldn’t?

A facelift is not recommended for people who are obese, have a skin condition such as eczema or psoriasis, suffer from claustrophobia (fear of enclosed spaces), have had prior facial surgery that has scarred the area to be operated on – or anyone with major medical conditions.

Most doctors will require you to be in good physical and mental health, as well as to have realistic expectations about the benefits of a facelift.

4. Risks Of Getting A Facelift

There are risks associated with any surgery, and a facelift is no exception. Some of the most common complications include excessive bleeding from blood vessels or bruising in the area being operated on, infection at the site of incision, and hospital-acquired infections while recuperating after surgery.

5. Types Of Facelifts Available

There are a few different types of facelifts that your doctor may recommend for you. These include the following:

  • Traditional or “closed” procedure – which uses an incision hidden in natural skin folds to access the areas being operated on.
  • Endoscopic – which is an assisted surgery using small instruments inserted through one or more small incisions.
  • Mini-facelift – which is a more targeted procedure focused on the lower half of your face (from just below your cheekbones to the middle of your neck).
  • Necklift – which tightens and lifts tissues in the front part of the neck.

The type you choose will depend on the location and extent of the skin to be operated on.

6. Recovery Time For The Surgery

A facelift typically takes about two to three hours and is performed under general anesthesia. If there are any complications, it may take more time for recovery.

You’ll be in the hospital overnight – either after a day of surgery or an outpatient procedure that was done as an extended stay on behalf of your employer. You can expect some bruising, swelling, and discomfort in the area that has been operated on. These side effects should go away within two to three weeks of the surgery – but you may need a longer recovery time if there are any complications or other issues with your procedure.

You’ll probably have some pain for about six months after your facelift.

Facelift surgery
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A facelift is a drastic measure that should be taken seriously. Given the risks and recovery time, it’s important to think carefully about whether this procedure will give you what you’re looking for before committing. To learn more about other options available, it’s best to do your research and speak with a licensed professional.

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