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Photo by Jess Bailey Designs:

Top 4 Tips for Branding Your Business

Recently, more and more companies are thinking about rebranding. What is this type of activity, why and when is it needed, and what is important to remember when daring to change the image of a trademark? And the first thing to realize is that if you want a successful brand, you should get proxies for brand protection.

How to Draw the Consumer’s Attention to Yourself and Your Product?

Every business owner should realize that usually, the consumer cannot immediately notice the quality of the product. First, this product should interest and attract visually. To do this, they create advertising, signs, and packaging. Thus, the manufacturer provides a certain “promise” regarding the product (its quality, components, and consumer characteristics).

In order not to fail in “promises,” the business owner needs to be honest with the consumer and, foremost, with himself. You don’t need to try to sell your product to everyone at once — it’s more appropriate to decide for which consumers your benefits are valuable and useful. Next, you should analyze to what extent your company’s communications are interesting and understandable for the selected audience. Maybe it’s time for an upgrade.

Draw a New Logo, Change the Sign — and the Company Will Become Successful?

A company becomes successful not because of a new logo and sign but under the conditions of their subordination to the company’s main idea, which branding helps to define. We offer a little explanation of what is what.

Branding is creating a unique image of a product or service based on a deep understanding of the company’s advantages, product consumption patterns, the competitive environment, familiarization with the market situation, and global trends of your industry. Based on the received data, a strategic brand platform is developed: positioning, mission, philosophy, and character. And only after that does the creation of the company’s verbal (name, slogans, message, address) and visual identification (logo, fonts, colors, corporate graphics) take place.

The development of a corporate style differs from branding: it does not involve analytical research and the development of a strategic platform. Still, it is based only on the owner’s wishes or the designer’s vision who draws a modern logo design inspiration.

Rebranding is a brand renewal (existing strategic platform and visual component).

When Is Rebranding Necessary?

To understand whether there is a need for rebranding, you need to analyze whether the company’s appearance matches what it wants to tell about itself. Rebranding is necessary for various reasons: a drop in sales, a change in the company’s trade advantage, price policy, and target audience. As for when it is needed, one company will need rebranding after five years, and another should not do it after ten years. It all depends on the company’s activities and the changes taking place in the market.

Is It Necessary to Acquaint the Company Staff with All the Details of the Rebranding?

Definitely yes! Everyone, from the average employee to the manager, must understand the chosen strategic course and wholeheartedly agree. In rebranding, team members must convey the single essence of the company. For this, a brand book is developed, in which the components of the company’s brand are recorded.

They present the new concept to the staff with the invitation of representatives of the agency involved in its development. All these are components of the formation of the company’s corporate culture, which is so important for its effective activity.

So, branding is a story not only about pictures. This creates a complete image with unique advantages that are clear to the consumer. After all, the company’s contact with its audience is the key to a successful business operation.

Featured Photo by Jess Bailey Designs: