Why You Should Never Take Driving Too Lightly

Photo by Koushik Pal on Unsplash
Photo by Koushik Pal on Unsplash

Rules For The Road

After driving for many years, many of us drive on autopilot but don’t forget that driving can pose serious challenges that even experienced drivers may struggle to manage. There has been an increase in the number of accidents on the roads in recent years as people become more and more distracted by technology and can cause injury, property damage, and even death. Even minor accidents may prove to be expensive to those involved. 

Each year, many road accidents lead to fatalities which is a worrying statistic considering a large percentage of these accidents could have been prevented simply by drivers adhering to the safety rules and, as a result saving a lot of lives. As a driver, you should be well versed with the basic traffic laws to avoid dangerous driving situations that could lead to fines or penalties or cause casualties. Here are a few rules that you should stick to while driving on the road:

1. Stick To The Speed Limit

On most roads, there is a set speed limit put in place. It is illegal and could prove to be dangerous to drive over the set speed limit. Speeding is one of the leading causes of road accidents. Speed limits are put in place to prevent accidents, and the chances of accidents increase with an increase in speed. Driving at high speeds gives the driverless reaction time to respond to unexpected conditions and the ability to avoid collisions. As a driver, driving at lower speeds gives you more time to maneuver the vehicle. It will also help to drive at slower speeds if the road and weather conditions are not favorable.

2. Eyes on The Road

While driving, it may seem obvious to keep your eyes on the road, but most drivers find themselves distracted by their phones or other things. Distracted driving has led to many road accidents, especially by those using their phones to text and drive. You may feel tempted to answer a text message or check your GPS as you go. However, these types of distractions can interfere with your ability to respond to unexpected situations on the road. Your eyes should be fixed on the road in front of you with both your hands on the steering wheel at all times. Put your phone away and even switch it off to avoid any distractions. However, accidents can occur from no mistakes on your part. If you feel the other party was at fault, you can pursue legal action. Seek the legal services of a local legal team to represent your interests. Davis, Saperstein & Salomon, P.C. is a great team for those involved in a car accident in New Jersey. Keep in mind that paying full attention to your driving will help you manage unexpected conditions and maintain control of the vehicle at all times.

3. Use Your Signals When Turning

Signaling your aim to turn or change lanes is a legal requirement and is a safe practice for yourself and other drivers. Turn signals alert other drivers and road users that you intend to change lanes, get off an exit or make a turn. Failing to warn drivers behind you could lead to dangerous situations that can cause road accidents. Ensure you use your signals when necessary.

4. Maintain a Safe Following Distance

The safe following distance varies as per the road and weather conditions. A space that may be safe in one instance may be hazardous in another example. As a driver, you should maintain a safe distance between you and the vehicle ahead of you without disrupting traffic flow. A few factors that determine your following distance include:

You should make sure that there is enough space between you and the driver ahead of you to provide enough time to avoid a collision if the vehicle ahead of you only suddenly stops.

5. Execute Maneuvers Safely

When executing maneuvers, you should do it with extreme caution and do so safely. Maneuvers that may be permitted or not necessarily forbidden by traffic laws can still be deemed to be illegal if the execution endangers road users. It would be best to be patient and wait for a safe opportunity to try and execute any driving maneuver and do so with extreme caution to avoid endangering yourself and other drivers on the road.

6. Slow Traffic Keeps to The Furthermost Lane

Photo by Koushik Pal on Unsplash

If multiple lanes of traffic move in the same direction, the slowest moving with the slowest speeds should use the furthermost lane. In countries that drive on the right, you should occupy the right lane, and in left-hand driving countries, it is the left lane. This measure is to prevent slow vehicles from obscuring the flow of traffic. However, you do not have to stick to this rule when making a turn or overtaking another vehicle.

Driving on the road can be a scary experience, even with years of experience. Accidents may result from failing to follow the traffic rules resulting in road accidents. To prevent road accidents and protect yourself and others using the road, you should be familiar with the traffic rules and stick to them while driving.  If you find yourself with a DUI you will need a  DUI Lawyer.

Featured Photo by Orkun Azap on Unsplash

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