Wow Your Kids with Printable Valentine’s Day Coupons

The following post is from Kacey of Next Level Mama: Wow Your Kids with Printable Valentine’s Day Coupons

Printable Valentine's Day Coupons for Kids at
source: seyed mostafa zamani

As a kid, one of my favorite things was opening up Valentine’s Day card from my dad. Every year without fail, he’d give me a card selected just for me. The tradition never got old. Being a kid, I probably didn’t tell dad how the gesture made me feel on top of the world, but it certainly did!

Now, with Valentine’s Day just around the corner, I’m looking forward to starting Valentine’s Day tradition with my own kids. You should, too.

What I know for sure (as Oprah would say) is while those cards probably required little effort on my dad’s part, they left a deep and meaningful impression on me. I’m 36 and still talking about it. While it’s easy these days to get caught up in crafting Pinterest-worthy cards for the kids’ classmates, planning parties Martha Stewart would swoon over, and buying enough candy to outdo Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. We must remember the little things are often the main thing.

This year, stop by the card aisle and pick out a card for each of your kids. Grab some paper and a pen, and write them an old-fashioned letter. Or get David Letterman creative and compile a Top 10 List of reasons you love them. To knock their socks off, gift them with a few printable love coupons.


Whatever you do, go out of your way to give your kids the V.I.P. treatment on Valentine’s Day. Trust me, they’ll remember it.

Click here to download or print the Valentine’s Day coupons.

Click here for 10 Mason Jar Ideas for Valentine’s Day

What is your favorite Valentine’s Day tradition?

Kacey loves her kids to pieces and the many ways they’re refining her into a better person. She’s on a mission to inspire and encourage moms to take it to the next level. This die-hard Texas girl rarely meets a dessert she can refuse. You can find her at her blog, Next Level Mama, or tweeting away at @nextlevelmama.

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