5 Reasons Why You Should Always Wear Sunscreen

5 Reasons Why You Should Always Wear Sunscreen
Image by Bella H. from Pixabay

A day spent outdoors is incomparable to any other experience. Being in nature, either at the beach or on a stroll, puts things in perspective and lifts spirits. However, the brilliant sunlight that lifts one’s spirits may be highly damaging to one’s skin if exposure to it is prolonged.

Putting sunscreen every morning and periodically throughout the day is the most important alteration to your normal routine that you can do to protect your skin from UV damage. Bondi Sands offer great skincare and suncare products. Feel free to check them out.

What is Sunscreen?

Sunscreen, a specific lotion, includes the active components needed to counteract the sun’s potentially damaging effects. It’s widely available for purchase from pharmacies and pharmacy shops.

You can measure how well a sunscreen blocks harmful ultraviolet radiation from the sun by looking at its sun protection factor (SPF). Sunscreens for daily use typically range in SPF from 15+ to 50+.

However, the SPF stated on the product is rarely attained in actual use since most individuals need more sunscreen. Because of this, dermatologists advise using sunscreen with a minimum SPF rating of 30 daily. 

Reasons Why You Should Always Wear Sunscreen

Always protect your skin from the sun by using sunscreen, even on overcast days. But why should you apply sunscreen in particular? Despite the weather, there are several compelling reasons to always wear sunscreen.

1. Lessen the Chance of Getting a Sunburn

Even ten minutes of exposure to the sun’s rays might develop a sunburn. When you stay in the sun for a longer time, the sunburn’s symptoms might get more severe. Additionally, your skin tone and type might affect the responses you get.

Skin irritation, peeling, and soreness are common skin inflammation symptoms that may result from this condition. It is crucial to be aware that the signs of sunburn often do not appear for many hours after the burn. Prolonged exposure to sunlight can leave you feeling remorseful when sunlight goes down.

Applying sunscreen before going outside is the most efficient strategy to prevent direct harm to your skin. A sunburn is more than simply an unpleasant and painful condition. The repercussions may be severe.

2. Escape From Sun Poisoning

A condition known as sun poisoning may develop if a person is exposed to the sun’s rays for an extended time without taking preventative measures. And to think that a sunburn was bad before, this is a whole other level. Sun poisoning may cause symptoms such as nausea, fever, and blistering on the skin. If your signs are severe, you should seek medical treatment.

The appearance of blisters characterizes a second-degree sunburn. Indeed, sunscreen is the most effective measure to protect yourself against sun poisoning.

3. Reduce Your Chances of Developing Skin Cancer


Reduce skin cancer
Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplas

Skin cancer is the most prevalent form of the disease. And exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) radiation is the most prevalent factor in its development. Your risk of developing malignant melanoma is increased by a factor of two if you have had five or maybe more sunburns throughout your lifetime.

Applying sunscreen is recommended as the most effective method for lowering the risk of developing skin cancer. Because it offers the highest level of defense against the harmful effects of UV radiation from the sun, it is the best preventive method.

4. Wearing Sunscreen Reduces the Risk of Early Aging

The appearance of lines and wrinkles on the skin is a normal part of growing older. However, UV light damage is a major contributor to aging skin. Spending extended periods in the sun without protection might cause premature aging of the skin.

The sun’s rays cause more than wrinkles and sagging skin; they also cause photoaging. Generally, photoaging is inadequate collagen production in the skin, resulting in the appearance of wrinkles, sagging, and discoloration. Additionally, it is a factor in developing wrinkles, creases, and sagging skin.

You may reduce your risk of acquiring symptoms of aging by 24 percent just by using sunscreen consistently. Even while you can’t avoid certain symptoms of aging, applying sunscreen may significantly reduce the appearance of such indicators.

5. Avoid Developing Uneven Skin Tone

Sun damage often manifests as a change in the skin’s pigmentation. There is a possibility that you may acquire uneven black areas on your skin.

Excessive melanin production (hyperpigmentation) is a side effect of sun exposure. The fundamental component in the emergence of those black spots is melanin, the pigment responsible for your skin’s natural color. Always wear sunscreen before going outdoors to reduce the risk of developing hyperpigmentation and maintain an equal tone throughout your skin.


There are a lot of sunscreen products out there, and picking one might take a lot of trials. However, every sunscreen will vary from person to person’s skin type and preference. 

Note that sunscreen is something you should use daily. Its significance goes beyond that of preventing discomfort, disease, and the aging process. 

Featured Image by Bella H. from Pixabay

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