Clean Your Bathrooms in 15 Minutes (or Less)

source: KimCarpenterNJ

The following post is from Becky of Clean Mama: Clean Your Bathrooms in 15 Minutes (or Less)

source: KimCarpenterNJ

I enjoy the process of cleaning and keeping a home, but bathrooms are my least favorite rooms to tackle.  To keep the process a little bit easier, I clean them every Monday and tidy up the counters and toilets as needed throughout the week.  I don’t have more than 15 minutes a week to spend cleaning bathrooms, so I’ve devised a method that I’d like to share with you:  it’s simple, ‘green’, and it really works.

Grab Your Supplies

I like to keep my bathroom cleaning supplies in each bathroom. You might prefer a cleaning bucket or caddy.  This method will work either way.   You’ll need:

  • your favorite all-purpose cleaner (look for non-toxic cleaners – they work just as well, and you won’t need to don your hazmat suit)
  • glass/mirror cleaner
  • toilet brush (disclosure: I prefer the flushable toilet scrubbers)
  • toilet bowl cleaner
  • a microfiber window cloth (my preference for mirrors – use what you like)
  • 3+ microfiber cleaning cloths for each bathroom (1 for counters, 1 for tub/shower, 1 for toilet)
  • Disinfectant cleaner

(New to the world of microfiber cleaning cloths?  Check out the cleaning supply aisle at any big box store. Little known fact: the automotive section also carries microfiber cloths for even cheaper.)


Once you have your supplies, get ready to move – you’ll need to move quickly if you want to start and finish in 15 minutes.

  • go into the first bathroom and spray the mirror with window cleaner – wipe clean with a microfiber window towel
  • clean the toilet with a toilet brush
  • liberally spray down the sink, toilet, and tub/shower with all-purpose cleaner or disinfectant
  • let the cleaner sit for a few minutes to completely clean and disinfect
  • move on to the next bathroom and repeat (mirror, counter, tub/shower, toilet – liberally spray everything)

Once you’ve done this in all of your bathrooms, go back to bathroom #1 and quickly wipe down everything that you sprayed –  wiping down the toilet and toilet bowl last (I use a couple of new cleaning cloths in each bathroom to avoid any cross-contamination).

Notes: I use disinfecting wipes from time to time instead of cleaning rags (mostly to clean up little messes during the week or when sickness is running through our house).  You may notice that I didn’t mention floors – I wash all the bathroom floors on Thursdays when I wash the floors in the whole house – this is a time saver for me.

I’d love to hear what your approach is when it comes to cleaning your bathrooms.  Have a great method to share?

Becky is a self-proclaimed clean freak and list maker. She is a work-at-home mom to three little ones, and in her spare time, she enjoys sharing her cleaning and organizing tricks and tips on her blog, Clean Mama, and through her Etsy Shop, Clean Mama Printables.

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