COVID-19 pandemic outbreak, panic, and hypertension – Suggested Ways to Reduce it

COVID-19 pandemic outbreak, panic, and hypertension - Suggests Ways to Reduce it
Image by Наркологическая Клиника from Pixabay

Do you have a history of hypertension or find yourself getting stressed out and thinking endlessly of worst-case scenarios when a crisis sets in? If so, chances are your blood sugar count has shot up because of the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak, the rising community transmission, or the daily deaths occurring. Hypertension is a disorder that many people suffer from and don’t notice until they face a serious issue. Hypertension can cause several bodily complications and permanent damage to the kidneys, eyes, heart, and lungs. The pandemic phase is indefinite, as no one knows when the curve will flatten. Therefore, we must take steps to reduce panic, hypertension, and to ensure overall well-being.  

Ram Duriseti on managing stress and reducing hypertension

For eight out of ten cases, hypertension is an after-effect of lifestyle choices and habits. Only when you make necessary and crucial changes in your life can you lessen stress and hypertension. When your blood sugar is controlled, you can address and resolve challenges without getting triggered. Ram Duriseti suggests the following steps to treat hypertension at home.

1. Lose the extra pounds

Your body weight and blood sugar have a close connection. Stress can make you excessively gain or lose weight. When your body weight suddenly increases, your blood sugar also rises. Gradually, this may cause breathing issues, which could worsen during the pandemic phase, according to the World Health Organization. People with hypertension may have a lower yet definite risk of being affected by the virus. Prolonged hypertension affects the organs and brings down the immunity level. Therefore, it’s advised to exercise indoors and manage your diet to reduce excess weight to stay safe and healthy.

2. Intermittent fasting

People can give in to emotional eating when they are emotionally stressed or filled with anxiety. Waking up at night and snacking on comfort foods can imbalance hormones and cause blood sugar levels to rise. Since working out in gyms is still not a viable option for many people, it’s wise to try out intermittent fasting. It is best to practice this under medical guidance. Ask your general physician about fasting, and be sure to start slow, gradually increase your hours. There are many health benefits of fasting! It helps reduce the waistline, lowers blood pressure, reduces stress levels, ensures higher immunity, and heals other mild body discomforts.

3. Meditation and deep breathing

Holistic lifestyle experts and naturopaths have always tried promoting deep breathing and regular meditation. Deep breathing helps to bring focus on the movement of breathing. Consistent practice trains your brain to stop speculating on issues or certain situations and get triggered by hypothetical thinking. Meditation can calm the mind and manage stress levels. Practicing daily meditation can also reduce cholesterol levels, provided you pair it with other healthy lifestyle practices such as proper exercise, adequate sleep, sufficient water intake, and focusing on positive thoughts.

managing stress and reducing hypertension
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

The COVID-19 pandemic has entered a risky new stage

According to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, the COVID-19 pandemic is not declining anytime soon. It is necessary for people who suffer from acute panic attacks and hypertension to make positive lifestyle changes that contribute to their wellness. 

Compared with SARS and MERS, the COVID-19 pandemic has spread faster due to expanded globalization and the transformation of the infection in each condition. Easing back the spread of the COVID-19 cases will essentially decrease the strain on the nation’s medical care arrangement by restricting the number of individuals who are seriously debilitated by COVID-19 and need emergency clinic care. Subsequently, the ongoing upheaval of COVID-19 features an earnest requirement for therapeutics focusing on SARS-CoV-2. Here, we have talked about infection structure; shifting side effects among COVID-19, SARS, MERS, and regular influenza; the plausible component behind the contamination and its resistant reaction. Further, the current treatment choices, drugs accessible, progressing preliminaries, and late diagnostics for COVID-19 have been discussed. 

We support our psychological wellness in the COVID-19 period to limit the effect of the infection and the “social separating” in our lives and build up a more beneficial and stronger “new ordinary” for what’s to come? At long last, will we give genuine consideration to the connection between stress guidelines and our well-being and prosperity? 

  1. Our minds and our invulnerable framework are profoundly connected to one another. The resistant framework is the prime go-between of natural operators, for example, organisms, synthetic substances, and the notorious COVID-19. It is personally connected to our temperament and various cerebrum illnesses, from Alzheimer’s disorder to stroke and gloom. 
  2. Stress is typical and can be sound (and spike solid practices: think about a zebra attempting to get away from a quickly moving toward lion). However, an excess of continued pressure isn’t. High and unregulated degrees of stress have various negative outcomes on the cerebrum, resistance, and the vascular framework, prompting irregular glucose characteristics, hypertension, and hindered insusceptibility and fiery reactions – the exceptionally exact inverse of what we have to battle the likely effect from COVID-19 introduction. 
  3. Physical exercise is a fundamental part of improving physical and emotional well-being. Customary exercise has been connected to changes in the cerebrum network and increments in mind development factors (for example, cerebrum determined neurotrophic factor) and diminishes oxidative pressure, which harms cells and tissue. 

Remain educated and guarantee others do as well

As dread spreads quicker than realities, educate yourself about the infection. Develop your insight and guide others toward confided in data. This will go far to expose fantasies and manufacture versatility in your locale. 

Not certain where to begin? The World Economic Forum has a persistently refreshed stage for data on the emergency, with bits of knowledge from the World Health Organization (WHO) and its worldwide specialist organization. 

On the off chance that you or your center point need to make a move, take on the WHO’s open online course that gives an overall prologue to the COVID-19 pandemic and how to ensure yourself and other people. Courses are free: know the realities before you act. 

Make a move to guard your locale

Wash your hands
Image by Klaus Hausmann from Pixabay

At the point when you’re youthful and solid, your danger of creating extreme disease is lower. So consider those in your locale who are generally powerless, including more established people and people with previous ailments (for example, hypertension, coronary illness, lung ailment, malignant growth, or diabetes). 

Urge others to play it safe, including washing your hands routinely, keeping a social distance from others, and remaining at home when you’re wiped out. Fundamental activities like this can help limit the infection’s spread and its effect on general well-being, society, and the economy. 

An age-wise relative examination

Among hospitalized instances of COVID-19 also shows that the older gathering (over 55 years) had expanded length of clinic remain, deferred clinical recuperation, expanded lung inclusion, quicker movement of the ailment, and the end, expanded fatalities7. The requirement for mechanical ventilation and oxygen treatment was multiplied in the older age-gathering. Their blood likewise indicated diminished lymphocytes and C-receptive protein, the two of which are markers of sufficient insusceptible reaction to the infection. Some factors increase the vulnerability of the elderly. These factors include portability, interminable uncontrolled diseases (like diabetes, hypertension, pneumonitis, osteoarthritis, and psychological decrease), different prescriptions, and expanded hospitalizations requirements. 

Featured Image by Наркологическая Клиника from Pixabay

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