Decluttering as a Step when Moving

Decluttering as a Step when Moving
Image by CM Zijderveld from Pixabay

The move is the second largest “natural disaster” after buying a house. However, decluttering, proper planning before packing, properly stored containers, simple records may save your time and effort. A special tip for you: make life easier by using moving professionals for at least part of your move. You can google movers near me for a quote from a professional mover in your area. Moving budgets are never enough to cover all expenses. Trying tools like approximate moving cost calculators or numerous apps will help you plan and even save your money. The biggest step you need to plan is decluttering when moving.

Start preparing in advance.

If the move is just around the corner, store containers for moving and everything that can be useful in this quality and useful packaging materials at every opportunity. Do not throw away boxes from under shoes, large household appliances, and other, especially large, purchases. Then you will have to buy more of what you need in a smaller volume, and packing things will not turn into a headache.  

Decluttering when moving. 

Moving is a great reason to review the usefulness of each item. Declutter and try to get rid of things that you have not used for two years, as it is unlikely that they will “get their hands on” in a new place. Do this step twice. You will find that decluttering when moving will make unpacking much easier.

Organize things by frequency of use. 

Organize by frequent use
Photo by Brandable Box on Unsplash

Makeup three groups of things: the first is what you use frequently and regularly. The second — only from time to time. The third — is what is stored “just in case.” First of all, pack things from the first group, then the second, and the third in the last. You may even decide to get rid of some of them by the end of the process. When unpacking, proceed in the same order, then everything you need will be located within easy reach. 

Use vacuum packaging. 

If there are many bulky things, you should resort to bags, the air from which is pumped out by a vacuum cleaner. This method will significantly reduce the number of things. It is more expedient to use large packages. They can pack more things more compactly. Then put the bags in boxes.

Distribute the clothes in bags. 

Before putting your wardrobe items in containers for transportation, sort them into packages and/or smaller boxes, following the principle of thematic selection: separate underwear, blouses, trousers, jackets, and outerwear. The same applies to household items, such as sorting books by topic. 

Share the belongings of all family members. 

This way, you will have fewer problems unpacking and searching for personal items. In addition, ask each relocation participant to conduct at least a preparatory stage on their own. 

Moving box
Image by congerdesign on Pixabay

Use large items to transport small ones. 

For example, put small dishes in pans (after wrapping them in the paper, rags, or film), and then — in boxes for moving. In baskets with handles and suitcases, pack clothes, jewelry, etc. This will allow you to reduce the amount of packaging to a minimum. 

Do not refuse help.

Don’t turn down the offer of friends to help with your move. You need all the help you can get. Don’t try to do everything yourself. Ask your friends and relatives for help. If they can’t help with some of the heavy items or their schedules keep them from helping, you can always contact a moving company for help! Always check moving company’s reviews before hiring a moving company. Choosing professional specialists with extensive experience will save you from unnecessary worries and make for a smoother move.

Featured Image by CM Zijderveld from Pixabay

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