Travel Activities for Kids
We’ve spent this week in Florida for post-manuscript writing family time, which has been exactly what we needed after the busyness and stress of the last month. But now we have to make the 14.5-hour drive home! On the way down, we drove through the night, which definitely had its benefits since the kids slept most of the way, but we’ll be driving during the day this time, so I’ve been getting travel activities ready to help pass the time.
Although we don’t have a DVD player in the car, our kids are fairly good travelers since we regularly drive 2-3 hours to visit family.
We also have some discovery bottles, a book of Mad Libs, and the girls’ MP3 players loaded with stories on tape, and I put together these two printable travel activities as well.
The first activity is a version of Travel Bingo.
You could play this like traditional bingo, where the first person to find five in a row wins, or you could see who can cross everything off their board first. Either way, it definitely keeps kids engaged and helps pass the time! There are 8 different sheets so that everybody in the family can play.
The second printable is my version of the license plate game,
where you look for license plates from each state and color in the states as you find them (I left off Alaska and Hawaii since spotting those plates in the continental U.S. is fairly rare). For a longer road trip, you could also use the map to color in the states you travel through.
Our other favorite game is to look for each letter of the alphabet on road signs and license plates as we drive, in alphabetical order. Find more travel activities on the internet that are age appropriate.
In general, though, I find that the best way to minimize the stress and boredom of a road trip is to have lots of different activities that you can pull out along the way, as well as a variety of healthy snacks!
Click here download or print these travel activities:
Get all of the Life Your Way printables. The complete set includes all printables published to date, organized by folder for easy download.