Dr. Seuss’ birthday comes again this year on March 2nd, marking Read Across America and reminding me of the singsong voice that is a cornerstone of many childhood reading lessons. His inspirational quotes are found here, there, and everywhere (including my Christmas cards this year).
It’s the perfect reason to have a bit of fun in the kitchen in a Seussical style. Bright colors, fun rhymes, and a bit of magic will have you and the kids laughing in no time. Grab your favorite Dr. Seuss classics and make reading and eating party out of your Friday night.
The more things you will know,
The more that you learn,
The more places you’ll go.
-Dr. Seuss

With crepes and pesto, these green eggs and ham are worthy to be eaten in a house, but hopefully not with a mouse…unlike you enjoy sharing your dinner with mice.
Source: Baked Green Eggs and Ham Crêpes | Food for My Family
The Cat in the Hat just wants to have fun, and a bit of whimsical marshmallow goodness never hurt anyone.
Source: Cat in the Hat Pops | Babble’s Family Kitchen
Pretzels, chocolate-covered caramels, and a pecan turtle shell in the oven long enough for the chocolate to glue it all together are all it takes to make these cute treats. Yertle the Turtle never tasted so good.
Source: Yertle’s Caramel Turtles | So Wonderful, So Marvelous
These things just want to have fun, so why not let loose and live a little? Bright blue frosting is piled high, creating the Dr. Seuss image right up to the sky.
Source: Thing 1 and Thing 2 Cupcakes | Good Life Eats
Whether you prefer to enjoy these tasty butters butter side up or butter side down is a matter of preference. They’ll delight at any Dr. Seuss dinner.
Source: Butter Battle Compound Butters | Babble’s Family Kitchen
He likes to wink, he likes to drink.
And drink he shall with this berrified pink yink drink, perfect for slurping and slopping.
Source: Pink Yink Drink | The Perfect Pantry
Jiggly Jell-O cups and Swedish Fish combine to create a crazy Dr. Seuss delight. Red fish, blue fish and a bit of jelly new fish.
Source: One Fish, Two Fish Jell-O Cups | Simple Girl at Home
Perfectly poppable popcorn pandemonium will ensue if perhaps you pick this party provision.
Source: One Fish, Two Fish Snack Mix | Food Your Way
Perfect for replacing those old, worn titles with new, these placemats will keep kids entertained at the dinner table as their favorite Dr. Seuss characters stare up at them and cheer them on through mealtime.
Source: Source: Storybook Placemats | Real Simple
Shaina Olmanson is the freelance writer, photographer, and home cook behind Food for My Family. Cooking daily with and for her four kids and husband, Ole, drives her desire to inspire other families to do the same. Shaina is also the author of Desserts in Jars and regularly contributes to various online sites and traditional print magazines. |