Chores and allowance for keeping the house clean AND building character

One of the questions I hear most often from other families—blog readers and friends alike—is how we handle chores and allowance as a family. There are so many different approaches out there... unpaid chores as a contributing member of the family a regular allowance tied to age rather than chores paid daily chores paid optional jobs…

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What a red dye sensitivity means for our family

We’re traveling this week and next, so I’m sharing some of my favorite posts from the archives. This one seemed especially timely with Valentine's Day, and all of it's pink and red food, coming up this weekend. It happens every few months. As our oldest daughter rages and screams, one of our other girls will…

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Ichthyosis {or fish-scale disease} and what it means for our little one

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Nothing about Lucas pregnancy or birth was like any of his siblings, and I promise there was one point where I was sure the perinatologist wanted to ask us if we were sure he had the same father as the rest of our kids {yes, absolutely!} because he was measuring so large and all of…

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Enjoy today, mama.

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“You will never have this day with your child again. Tomorrow they’ll be a little older than they were today. This day is a gift. Breathe and notice. Smell and touch them; study their faces and little feet and pay attention. Relish the charms of the present. Enjoy today, mama. It will be over before…

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Chores & Allowance Revisited {Plus a Printable Time Card for Kids!}

I've shared our philosophy about chores and allowance in the past, but I thought I would revisit the topic now that I'm the mom of three -- soon to be four! -- elementary-age kids and not a whole slew of preschoolers. For us, chores and allowance offer opportunities to teach the girls about responsibility, teamwork,…

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Jackson’s Birth Story {On Prodomal Labor & Castor Oil}

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I shared the girls' birth stories earlier this fall as part of Baby Week, and as promised, here's Jackson's: Jackson's Birth Story {On Prodomal Labor & Castor Oil} I spent most of this pregnancy worried that Jackson was not in the correct position for labor and wouldn't turn in time. I'm not sure why that…

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