Baby Lotion: All You Need to Know

Baby and mother
Image by Satya Tiwari from Pixabay

Are you concerned about which is the safest baby lotion to use? The good news is you’ve come to the right place. Here we get to explore all you need to know about baby lotions and provide you with a natural baby lotion recipe.

Baby Lotion
Photo by Daria Shevtsova from Pexels

As moms, we can never be too careful about which is the best lotion to use on our babies. We have to be cautious about what we rub on our babies’ bodies when using products such as baby lotion and shampoo. An infant’s skin is very soft, making it very delicate and reactive to the substances it absorbs. Toxic substances in your child’s body can result in several complications, including hormonal imbalances, problems with brain development, and even cancer. Does the skin of your child sometimes peel or get swollen? The chances are that the current body lotion you are using may be negatively affecting your child?

So how do we fix this? The answer is easier than you think.

Natural? Is it Safe for Babies?

When shopping for baby lotion for sensitive skin or baby lotion for dry skin, how many times have you come across lotion brands claiming to be natural? They are very common nowadays in online shops and supermarkets. However, as a mom, you need to be aware that just because they claim to be natural does not mean they are safe for your little one.

The ingredients used may be naturally derived, but the manufacturer could add a few more chemicals to increase its effectiveness. That’s not the kind of lotions we want for our babies. Right?

The cool thing is the internet has made it extra easy for you to research on what baby lotion ingredients are safe for your child.

Environmental Working Group

The Environmental Working Group is a non- profit organization that aims to improve and promote human health as well as protecting the environment. This online platform is an excellent place to begin your research on the safest baby lotion product. The products include baby sun lotion, baby rash lotion, and baby feet lotions. The Blissful Miss review guide compares the number of toxins in the skincare product with its effects on your little one. A number scale from 1-10 is used with a product rated one being the safest to use.

Product Reviews

The use of baby lotion reviews on online shopping platforms to determine which is the best lotion to use on your child is not surprising. This method of research has been highly popular for research on the effectiveness of different products. As a mother, you are more likely to trust the input of another mother. On a site such as Amazon, which has a wide range of baby lotion products, it is best to choose products receiving ratings of 4 stars and above.

Using the two above methods, you will have enough information to make a well-informed decision on which baby skincare product to use. 

How to Make a Natural Lotion for a Baby at Home

What happens if you want to have control over the ingredients used to manufacture your baby’s lotion? Congratulations, you’ve arrived at the right place. We have prepared for you an easy two-ingredient recipe on how to prepare an all-natural baby lotion at home.


  • ½ cup of aloe vera gel
  • ½ cup of coconut oil
  • Few drops of essential oils (Optional)


  1. Cut the aloe vera leaf into three pieces, peel off the skin, place the peeled off pieces of aloe vera in a blender, and blend.
  2. To separate the aloe vera gel from the pulp, use an alkaline water pitcher and clean the blender.
  3. Melt the coconut oil over a gentle heat, making sure it does not become hot.
  4. Add the coconut oil, aloe vera gel, and a few drops essential oils into the blender, and blend until you achieve a uniform mixture.
  5. Pour in another jar with a tight lid and store it in a cool and dry place. If room temperatures are above 75º, which is the melting point of coconut oil, it is best to store in a refrigerator.

That’s all there is to the natural baby lotion recipe, and now you have a hypoallergenic baby lotion.

Note: When choosing the type of essential oils to use, avoid using undiluted essential oils on babies under the age of 6 months. Doctors have also identified lavender oil as potential hormone disruptors in male babies. 

When to Use Baby Lotion

Photo by Brandless on Unsplash

Ever wondered why or when to use baby lotion? Or for you, is it just a tradition? The use of lotions should be daily to protect your child’s skin better. However, always be careful not to apply too much. The use of lotion has several positive impacts on your little one’s skin health. In the early months of your little one’s life, their skin is very delicate. At this age, creams and essential oils are not advisable to use on your infant. The best skin care product to use is a baby lotion, which is lighter due to the high quantities of water in it.

It is important to note that essential oils are not recommended for babies under six months of age.

We are all aware of the delicateness of our babies’ skin. Without proper skin care, your child could suffer from skin irritations, eczema, dry skin, and even diaper rashes. If you notice any of the above on your little one, try applying lotion as a remedy. For conditions like eczema which prove resistant, try using baby creams, and if this does not work, substitute creams for ointments. Creams and ointments are much heavier and hence will better protect the child’s skin.

Application Process of Baby Lotions

For a new mom, you may be anxious and wondering how do you go about applying baby skincare products on your newborn? Believe it or not, it is really simple.

Apply Lotion
Photo by Rene Asmussen from Pexels
  1. First, ensure baby bath time coincides with lotion time.
  2. Carefully bath your little one, then use a soft towel to dry your little one’s skin.
  3. The final step is applying lotion on your little one’s skin. Doctors recommend applying lotion within two minutes after the child’s bath to ensure the child’s skin retains as much moisture as possible.

Note: The stage of applying lotion on your baby’s body, not only increases your bond to the baby but also reduces atopic dermatitis symptoms.

Side Effects? What to do?

At some point in our lives, we have all experienced an allergic reaction. It can also be challenging as mothers to identify what our babies are allergic to, especially in the early days. Without knowing our babies’ allergies, it can also be challenging to determine which is the best baby lotion to use on our children.

Sometimes babies have an allergic reaction to one of the ingredients used in the lotion. Your little one’s face and even throat might swell, the child might have trouble breathing, or also experience severe skin irritation.

It is less likely that your child will experience severe allergic reactions, but in case this happens, it is best to contact a medical examiner. You can also contact the FDA through 1-800-FDA-1088 and report the side effects.

Conclusion: Medical studies have associated some diseases that affect humans like cancer to some chemicals absorbed through our skin. As mothers, we are duty-bound to protect our little ones from some of the terrible fates associated with these diseases. So, in the comment section below, please leave us with a tip or two of how you care for your baby’s skin health.

 Author’s bio: Richard Browny is a freelance writer with a passion for digital marketing, movies, and traveling in the future. He has experience in content marketing, SEO, and social media marketing. Richard spends his free time on Netflix, reading any classical story out there and the mandatory weekend English Premier League. He is a big Arsenal fan.

Featured photo by Image by Satya Tiwari from Pixabay

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