Printable take-out boxes {101 Days of Christmas}

Printable Take-Out Boxes

Printable take-out boxes

I think this may be one of my favorite printables to date, and I’m already dreaming up how I can use them for passing out Christmas goodies this year, especially since they’re the perfect size for my nonpareils!

Printable Take-Out Boxes

Simply print out the template of your choice on regular paper (for a light gift, like a gift card) or cardstock (for nonpareils or other heavier treats).

Then follow this guide to assemble your box:

How to Assemble the Printable Take-Out Boxes

  • Cut along the gray lines (including the slit on the tab in the bottom right corner).
  • Fold along the red lines.
  • Add glue to the outside of the green tabs and glue them inside adjacent sides.
  • Fill it with the goodie of your choice and tuck the tab inside the slit to close.

Fun, right?

Click here to download or print your take-out box templates.


Projects from the archives:

Jar Lid Inserts Printable Gift Bows Treat Bag Tags


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