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Things to Pack in Your Hospital Bag for Baby Delivery

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Packing for Mom and Baby

As much as pregnancy is a beautiful journey filled with the thrill and anticipation of the baby’s arrival, all mothers can agree that labor and delivery are not a walk in the park. As a mum-to-be, you need to be fully prepared and know what you need to pack in your hospital bag for baby delivery when that big day comes.  Be prepared.  Here are some things to pack in your hospital bag for baby delivery.

Unfortunately, for one reason or another, you might be able to pack everything you need on your due day, so it’s essential to pack as early as the beginning of the third trimester of your pregnancy so that you do not leave anything behind.

Packing can be overwhelming because there are many things you want to carry along to the hospital, but remember, you still need to have the luggage as light as possible. Also, remember that you must pack for yourself and your new baby. To make your work easier, here are some things that are a must-have in your hospital bag for you and your upcoming bundle of joy.

What to pack for yourself

1.  Copies of your identification card, medical records, and insurance card

These documents are the most important things that you must have in your hospital bag. Your medical records will give the health care providers an easy time attending to you, especially if you go to a different hospital from the one you used to for your maternal checkups.

All hospitals need copies of the ID and the insurance card to process any required paperwork before you get admitted into a labor ward.

2.   A copy of your birth plan

Although your doctor and midwife have a copy of your birth plan (that is, if you have one), it’s essential to have it in your hospital bag. You may go to another hospital to deliver your baby for one reason or another. The birth plan will act as a guide to the medical team attending to you at that time. It will also give them an idea of how they should handle you in case the birth plans need to be changed.

3.  Comfortable outfits

When it comes to the kind of outfits, you need during and after labor and delivery, several of them come into the picture. Let us take a look at each of them, shall we?

  • A bathrobe: Of course, you will have to shower during your stay at the hospital, right? Also, a bathrobe can come in handy during labor because you will need a loose outfit to wear as you pace around the ward in a bid to reduce the pain.
  • Nightgown: You will need a comfortable nightgown to sleep in while you are in the hospital and a comfortable and decent outfit to have while you are in labor. Make sure it has openings at the front to comfortably breast your little one.
  • Maternity dresses: Most of us cannot wait to bid goodbye to maternity dresses because of how baggy and unfashionable they look. But you might not know that they can come in handy during and after delivery. They are comfortable outfits to have on during labor. You can also wear one after birth, especially if you are expecting visitors.

You don’t want to rock a pair of jeans or a skin-tight dress right after you have your baby. There are stylish maternity dresses out in the market, so you cannot miss a couple that suits your style.

  • Slippers and flip-flops: You will need a pair of sandals to wear when you take a shower. Flip-flops are easy and comfortable to walk around on while you are in the hospital.

4. Essential self-care products

You may be wondering what I mean by essential self-care products. Well, with these products, you need to keep yourself neat and presentable after delivery, although you will be exhausted after you deliver your baby. These products include; a lip balm, face moisturizer and cream, body lotion, maternal sanitary towels, several underwear pairs, and not just any underwear but those that can support your sanitary towels and a couple of bras. Maybe some castor oil to induce labor.

Don’t forget to pack a hairband or a headscarf to tie up your hair when it’s time to push. You don’t want your hair getting all over your face, right?

Well, now that you have packed for yourself, what do you need for your little one?

What to pack for your baby

5. Clothes

Of course, you already have a lot of outfits for your little one. I mean, who would not do so knowing that they have a baby on the way? While packing for your delivery, carry along some onesies because you do not want to stuff your bag with a lot of clothes, right? Also, include some soft, warm clothes, mittens, toddler socks with grips from Q for Quinn Inc., and a homecoming outfit. Your baby needs to look fabulous when going back home. While packing clothes, make sure to pack enough to avoid sending your partner back home for more because he might get something you did not ask for.

6. Swaddling blankets

Be sure to include swaddling blankets in your hospital bag for baby delivery.  Swaddling blankets are more comfortable to carry the baby with.  They are also ideal for you to breastfeed and when visitors are holding the little one. Make sure to carry along several of them so that you can change. This is especially so if you have many visitors coming to minimize any germs from getting into contact with the baby’s skin.

7. Nappies and a pacifier

Don’t forget to carry enough modern cloth nappies for your baby. Make sure they are the right size so your baby can be comfortable in them. You can also bring a pacifier if you think you will need one. Just make sure to pack several of them for hygiene purposes.

To wrap it all up

These are a few of the essentials for your hospital bag for baby delivery.  As much as you have to pack, pack as light as possible. But, if possible, you should have two separate bags, one for you and the other for the baby. This will save you and your partner from digging up something you need inside your bag while at the hospital, disorganizing everything. Once you have packed everything, keep the bags at a nearby place where you can easily reach for them anytime you go into labor.

Featured Image by dodo3 from Pixabay