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What Is Boating Under the Influence in Georgia?

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Boating is a popular way to enjoy some free time in Georgia. Whether you own your own vessel and want to take the family out for the day or decide to rent a boat for some fishing off the coast, it can be a lot of fun. That is, until excessive drinking or substance use impairs your ability to control the boat. At this point, you are boating under the influence and a danger to others. Let’s look at what it means to have a BUI charge, how common they are, and why these situations are so dangerous.

What Is Boating Under the Influence?

Boating under the influence is essentially the same as driving under the influence. Anyone found to be in control of a moving vehicle while under the influence of substances can face charges, so if you are over the limit while in control of a boat, you face the same repercussions as if you were in a car. In both cases, Georgia police can make an arrest if you have a blood alcohol content of 0.08%. You can click here to learn more about the DUI law, your responsibilities, and how a DUI lawyer can help.

Being under the influence means that the use of substances before or during boat operations has impaired your ability. Even if you think you’re handling the boat safely, that BAC suggests you are a risk to yourself and others. These charges tend to relate to alcohol use, with boat owners drinking with family and friends out on the lake. However, it is also possible to be deemed under the influence after taking illegal drugs and some medications. The latter can cause a lot of confusion, and people taking drugs for ADHD or anxiety, for example, could find themselves in trouble. That’s why it is always better to be safe than sorry.

Is Boating Under The Influence Common?

Sadly, boating under the influence is more common than people realize. There aren’t the same numbers of cases and fatalities as with road DUI incidents, but there are still far too many. One of the main issues here is that it’s so easy for boat operators to accidentally find themselves over the limit. Boating is seen as a relaxing hobby and a way of enjoying time with the family. A couple of beers while fishing seems like a normal thing to do. However, this can quite become excessive if you’re the one in control of the vessel. There’s also the fact that DUI charges often arise after boat safety checks in Georgia. Officials come on board for a routine check, see all the open cans, and then ask to perform a sobriety test.

The Coast Guard released national statistics relating to boating accidents in the US in 2023. The national figure for accidents was 4040, with 564 deaths occurring as a result. Alcohol was determined as the leading cause in 17% of cases. The popularity of boating on Georgia’s lakes and coast means it could just as easily happen here. So, you need to do all you can to stay within the legal limit and stay safe to avoid needing a DUI lawyer.

Why Is Boating Under The Influence So Dangerous?

Another of the biggest issues with boating under the influence is the lack of understanding of the dangers involved. Boating is, understandably, considered to be a much safer pastime. You can head out to a quiet spot away from other people, shut the engine off, and enjoy your afternoon. However, boat operators are still in control of a dangerous vehicle with the power to kill. There are three key considerations when driving a boat.

1. The people on the vessel

As the designated driver of the boat, you are the one responsible for getting everyone on board to and from their destination safely. Impaired driving due to any form of substance can impact your ability to handle the vessel and react to any hazards. Deaths can occur from the boat crashing into rocks, capsizing, or people falling overboard. While the latter may not be directly your fault, there may be some blame from erratic driving or going too fast.

2. People in other vessels.

In addition to potentially crashing into rocks and jetties, you could also crash into other vessels on the water. Again, this could be down to your inappropriate speed, recklessness, or simply not realizing how close the other boat is. Occupants can press charges and sue for injuries obtained in the crash or file wrongful death suits.

3. People in the water

This is one of the saddest situations regarding BUI cases. Too often, boaters become so impaired that they lose the ability to take in their surroundings. When driving a car, motorists always need to be aware of pedestrians and cyclists sharing the space to avoid accidents. The same is true in the water. There could be swimmers out in the lake or surfers on the coast close to the dock. A boat strike can be immediately fatal. In the worst cases, there are also hit-and-run charges because the boat operator didn’t notice and kept going.

Getting Help With BUI Charges

The good news is that whatever the circumstances surrounding a BUI charge, it is possible to get legal representation. The best DUI lawyers in Georgia can go over the case and help you build a defense. If you were wrongly accused, they can look at the police reports and sobriety tests to make a case. If you were guilty, they might be able to negotiate for a lighter sentence, especially if it’s a first offense.

While it’s always good to know that help is available if the worst ever happens, the most important takeaway here is to avoid these charges at all costs. Appreciate the dangers involved in operating a boat while impaired and your responsibility to others while controlling this vessel. Always do your best to stay within the legal limit, to keep all passengers safe at all times, and to watch out for anyone else in and on the water.