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3 Considerations When Choosing the Best Adult Daycare

Adult daycare centers provide a suitable environment for most people who need help with daily activities. Besides getting the opportunity to socialize, adults can enjoy routine group activities and receive essential health services and support. However, the decision to enroll an older adult in daycare can be difficult. It’s vital to ensure the center ticks all the boxes. Here’s what you need to look out for in an adult daycare.

1.      Type of Care Services

Senior daycare centers specialize their primary services based on specific client needs, and it’s important to choose a center like Longhouse that can cater to the needs of your loved one. Social adult day care centers provide recreational, interactions, and healthy meals, but others can also offer health services to seniors. 

Medical care facilities have qualified medical staff that provides intensive health services like disease management, medication, physical therapy, health monitoring, and therapeutic services. On the other hand, specialized adult day care focuses on seniors diagnosed with specific health conditions, including Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, and developmental disabilities.

2.      Transport Options and Amenities

Most adult day care centers provide transportation at no extra cost, while others implement a per-ride basis. Transport is critical in senior daycare services, and while there are numerous centers with free transportation, it’s essential to discuss available options depending on the needs of your loved one.

Besides the primary option from the center, you can utilize different modes. Some nonprofits and churches provide volunteer driver programs for nearby daycare centers. However, public transportation may be fulfilling for independent seniors who cherish social interaction.

Paratransit services are also ideal for seniors with disabilities, making mass transit options inappropriate. The services provide shuttles with special equipment for door-to-door pickup, making it an excellent choice for qualifying seniors.

It’s essential to look at the routine and schedule of activities and determine if it matches your needs. For example, a daycare center catering to dementia patients should have activities and amenities catering to the seniors’ particular needs. In addition, the center should ensure the environment is clean, safe, and secure. Consider basic safety measures like non-slip floors, fire extinguishers, and railings to prevent accidents and injury.

3.      Costs and Payment Options

Adult daycare costs are friendly, but the cost can vary depending on location and the range of services available. For example, you may pay less if you don’t need specialized care, but seniors who need advanced care services may pay more.

While Medicare doesn’t cover daycare costs, Medicaid often covers some expenses when you choose a certified medical or Alzheimer’s center. Similarly, long-term care insurance policies can cover the expenses if you need special care from qualified medical professionals. It’s essential to enquire about the costs of quality respite care services in a daycare facility, but don’t forget about payment options for sliding scale fees.


Adult daycares have become a popular senior living solution due to their friendly cost structure and benefits. Most seniors choose daycare centers over other residential senior living solutions since they can continue living in a familiar community and receive care from people who understand them and treat them with compassion.

Featured Photo Photo by Vlad Sargu on Unsplash