The following post is from Bernice Wood of Living the Balanced Life: 8 Reasons You May Not Have Enough Time
As moms, we are always on the go.
We have dozens of things running through our brains, trying to keep up with who needs what and when. And we never seem to have enough time to do it all, whatever “all” is!
How can we slow down and have more time?
Being so busy keeps us from enjoying our lives, families, and ourselves. But believe it or not, habits, activities, and thoughts may keep you from having enough time.
1. You’re just busy, not productive.
Being busy is seen as a badge of honor. Rushing from activity to activity makes us feel important, but we are just running ourselves ragged.
Make sure you’re accomplishing what you want to accomplish with your busyness!
2. You compare your success with others.
Are you doing what you’re doing because it is important to YOU? Stop worrying about everybody else!
3. You don’t implement the things you learn.
It is fun to read How-To articles and DIY posts, but you may not want to spend your time reading if you aren’t going to implement what you see. If it is something that will make your life easier, then DO IT!
4. You strive for perfection.
Maybe it is your blog design, current project, or landscaping in your front yard. Whatever it is, “perfect” is overrated. Good enough is good enough for most things in life!
5. You’re overloaded with too many choices.
Allow yourself a limit. Look at two vacation locations, shop at a smaller store instead of a big box store, and purge your closet of things you don’t wear.
6. You don’t delegate.
We are not “Wonder Woman”. We need help, so just admit it! Enlist the help of your children, tell your spouse you need help or hire help if needed and possible.
7. You can’t say NO.
If you’re feeling stressed, make your default answer NO for right now. The world will go on, I promise.
8. You don’t take care of yourself.
Physically, mentally, and emotionally, you are run down. Find small things you can do to make a difference right now. Did you eat lunch? How much water have you drunk today? What time did you go to bed last night? Learn to take breaks. Go on a vacation.
Which of these are you guilty of? What are some other things that you think may steal our time?
Would you like more guidance on how you can regain balance in your life? I wrote an e-book called Find Your Balance, which will walk you through the areas of your life and help you find the balance you long for. Visit Living the Balanced Life for more details!
Bernice Wood is a mother of 4 young adult kids, plus Nana to 7 grandchildren. After a major life change in the summer of 2010, she began blogging to journal her personal struggles and transition. To help others avoid the pitfalls of stress and burnout and learn to live a more healthy life, she recently launched her new blog at Living the Balanced Life. |