For Grammar Geeks: A Visual Map of the 15 Punctuation Marks

A friend and fellow Essentials tutor shared this a few days ago, and I love it! Designed by Curtis Newbold of The Visual Communications Guy, the infographic lists the 15 punctuation marks in order of difficulty (to learn and use) with the rules that govern their use. Click here to download a full-size poster version…

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Read more about the article My Top 10 Tips for New Homeschoolers
Image by Steven Weirather from Pixabay

My Top 10 Tips for New Homeschoolers

Daily checklists. This will be our 6th "official" year of homeschooling, and the longer we homeschool, the more questions I get from other current and prospective new homeschoolers. (Some of which I'm confident answering and some of which just make me laugh that they'd ask me for advice or an opinion.) Today  I thought I'd…

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Read more about the article How giving up “real food” made our family healthier
Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay

How giving up “real food” made our family healthier

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I have a confession. At the beginning of this year, I decided I was done with "real food." Just done. Done reading labels. I was done feeling like I needed to make everything from scratch. Done worrying over every little thing that passed through our kitchen or ended up in our stomachs. I was tired…

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Read more about the article 10 Ways to Choose Joy at the Start of Every Day
source: Joyfully Thriving

10 Ways to Choose Joy at the Start of Every Day

Earlier this week, after 10 days of being physically responsible for everything the kids, the animals, and my husband needs -- and after 6 of the busiest days of my life thanks to some prescheduled commitments and extracurricular activities -- I found myself on the verge of losing it. I could feel my blood pressure…

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Chores & Allowance Revisited {Plus a Printable Time Card for Kids!}

I've shared our philosophy about chores and allowance in the past, but I thought I would revisit the topic now that I'm the mom of three -- soon to be four! -- elementary-age kids and not a whole slew of preschoolers. For us, chores and allowance offer opportunities to teach the girls about responsibility, teamwork,…

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Dopplegangers, Snacks, Stomach Flu Remedies and 4 More Quick Takes

Hey, look, I'm actually participating in 7 Quick Takes at Conversion Diary on the right day this time! Doppelgangers, Snacks, Stomach Flu Remedies, and 4 More Quick Takes 1. Who's your doppleganger? We decided this week that Jackson looks just like Tintin, and the comparison is cracking me up. I just need his hair to…

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