Read more about the article How a Second Chance Question Can Make Us Better Moms
Source: Alyssa L. Miller

How a Second Chance Question Can Make Us Better Moms

The following post is from Kat of Inspired To Action: How a Second Chance Question Can Make Us Better Moms A few months ago, I stumbled upon a phrase that saved my sanity. A phrase that single-handedly reduced the amount of bickering in my home. A phrase that frees me from mommy guilt and shines…

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Read more about the article 7 Ways to Use Evernote to Manage Your Chaos
source: GetGeeky

7 Ways to Use Evernote to Manage Your Chaos

The following is a guest post from Lauren Rothlisberger of Evernote is a fantastic tech tool that can help you get a grip on all the loose ends in your life. You simply install it on your computer and smartphone, and it will quickly develop into your digital file cabinet. Below, I have listed…

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Read more about the article 9 Binder Benders for Kids
source: Mandi Ehman

9 Binder Benders for Kids

A couple of months ago, I talked about ways to use binders to get organized at home. Today I'm sharing more ideas specifically for kids. Binders not only help them organize but also archive and showcase their stuff, as seen below: 1. Art Binders: With four crafty girls in our home, we can only keep…

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Read more about the article 7 Reasons Your Kitchen Counters Are Cluttered
Source: Lucy*Lou

7 Reasons Your Kitchen Counters Are Cluttered

The following post is from Joshua of Becoming Minimalist: 7 Reasons Your Kitchen Counters Are Cluttered There's something very refreshing and life-giving about a clean, uncluttered kitchen counter. It sets the tone and culture for the entire home. It communicates calm and order. It promotes opportunity and possibility (who enjoys cooking in a cluttered kitchen?).…

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Read more about the article Kid Made Tile Coasters for Mother’s Day
Photo by Khunkorn Laowisit from Pexels

Kid Made Tile Coasters for Mother’s Day

The following post is from Kristina of Toddler Approved: Kid made gifts that showcase artwork and can also serve a functional purpose are some of my favorite things to have my kids create for Mother's Day. I have seen several DIY tile coaster tutorials on Pinterest that looked simple, so we decided to adapt the idea…

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Read more about the article 25 Ways to Involve Little Family Members Around the House
source: Schnittke

25 Ways to Involve Little Family Members Around the House

The following post is from Becky of Clean Mama: 25 Ways to Involve Little Family Members Around the House It’s the end of the school year and summer is just around the corner.  Why not take a little time this Mother’s Day week to think of ways that you can involve the little family members in…

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Read more about the article 5 Super Simple Family Fun Night Ideas…with a Twist!!
Image by Drazen Zigic on Freepik

5 Super Simple Family Fun Night Ideas…with a Twist!!

The following post is from Kat of Inspired To Action: Do you wish you could do a family night, but feel overwhelmed by all the intricate, complex ideas on Pinterest? Are you tired of plain old family movie, game and story nights? Today I'm sharing a few ideas with you that require zero preparation but…

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Read more about the article Choosing Between a Memoir vs. Niche Blog
source: D. Sharon Pruitt

Choosing Between a Memoir vs. Niche Blog

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Some great posts in the archives of Life Your Way don’t get much attention anymore. This week, I’ll be sharing some of my favorites. Whether you’ve been around since the beginning or are a new reader, I think you’ll enjoy them! Many bloggers over the years have started blogging with the same purpose: to simply…

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