For decades, we all thought that there are strict resume writing rules that can’t be violated in any way. We’ve been told to keep it plain and simple, avoid anything non-related to work, emphasize hard skills, keep it formal, and so forth. But do these rules work today? The answer is no.
The future is already here. Every year we can see more and more new job titles appear. More jobs mean more flexibility in terms of what you can do for a living. Trends in the labor market are changing rapidly, and so do the needs of employers. And the only way to survive in this world is to be open to these changes.
Along with all these changes in the labor market come more changes in the hiring process itself. Respectively, so does the way we are writing CV/resumes. In 2021, employers and recruiting firms are looking not only for professionals but for personalities. They are doing more social recruiting and looking for people who will be the right fit for their companies. So your goal now is to prove that you are a perfect match. And the chances are that your old resume doesn’t do the trick.
So, now is the time to burn your old resume and start from scratch! In this article, we are going to tell you how.
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Crafting a Job-Winning Resume: Top 5 Tips to Use in 2021
Want to know how to land a job in 2021? In the list below, we have gathered some of the most effective tips to get you started:
1. Don’t Be Afraid to Get Professional Help
Millions of people all over the world have written a CV/resume at least once in their life. ‘Then what can be so hard about it?’ you may wonder.
In fact, it requires real mastery to craft a winning resume, especially today, in such a competitive and fast-changing labor market. Despite the common belief, this document is nothing like a simple list of your professional accomplishments, experiences, and key skills. According to Kerri Twigg, the #1 career advice expert, your CV/resume is one of the most important papers in your life and career. And it has to be treated accordingly.
Therefore, if you have never dealt with this document before and have no idea how to write a resume that will win you a job, there is nothing wrong with asking for help. Today, there are lots of handy career resources such as CV/resume builders or resume writer service platforms. Use them to your benefit to get the best results!
2. Write for Real People, Not Bots
All generic CV/resume writing tips tell you a lot about an Applicant Tracking System (ATS), its importance, and how to get through it. Indeed, today recruiters still use the applicant tracking process to weed out the applications that don’t meet the job description requirements. Therefore, tailoring your resume to get through the ATS system is important – try stuffing your resume with popular resume keywords for instance.
After reading up on the ATS system, many job seekers focus too much on writing their resumes for ATS bots and completely forget about real readers. The best approach is to write your CV/resume for three types of readers:
- HR
- Hiring Manager
If you can make your CV/resume look great for all these audiences, you will not only get more interviews but will eventually land a job.
3. Be Yourself
A recognized career coach and certified resume strategist Kerri Twigg emphasize the importance of being yourself in her Ted Talk. The thing is that who you are in your CV/resume defines who you will have to be at the workplace. Now, imagine spending most of your time every single day pretending to be someone else. Sounds terrible, right?
Instead of trying to look like everyone else, Kerri suggests you figure out what makes you unique and awesome and embrace that in your job search. This tactic will help you manage your career the right way and catch opportunities that are right for you.
4. Spotlight the Right Skills
If you still believe that every recruiter only wants to know what hard skills you have, think again. As was already mentioned, employers’ needs are much different now than they used to be just a few years ago.
Today, companies value soft skills even more. According to the same Ted Talk by Kerri Twigg, there are four main qualities everyone will be looking for in your job application. They are:
- Creativity
- Collaboration
- Communication
- Problem Solving
That’s what you should put first in your resume.
5. Include Links
A good old contact section limited to your name, phone number, and email address is way too outdated these days. Employers also want to learn more about your online presence in the digital era, so adding a couple of links is a great idea.
Depending on the position, you can consider adding a link to your professional website or online portfolio. If none of these options suit you, consider providing a link to your LinkedIn account. Since it is a professional network, it won’t harm to have it in your contact section.
Additionally, you can also add links to other social media accounts if you see it appropriate. However, before you do, be sure to check your social footprint to ensure that there is nothing that can play against you.
You don’t have to waste time developing and aligning content in your resume. Trust us. We’re the resume experts who know what HR managers are looking for in their quest to find talent. We’ve provided you with numerous easy-to-edit templates. Our templates are free of clutter, making it easy for any manager to understand. You can change the color, font, and style to suit you. Enter in the information quickly, and in no time at all, you’ll be ready to send out a fantastic resume. The platform Re:Sumist is free to use, and both the computerized and printable resume you create will leave you with a sense of pride.
Pro Tip: In fact, you should check your social footprint even if you are not adding links yourself. Most employers will look you up on the Web anyway, so you want to be confident that your social media profiles look good.
The Bottom Line
These are only some of the many great tips that can help you land an interview and get the job. There are many other effective tips and tricks that can also come in handy. But, what we’ve discussed in this article are the basics that each job seeker needs to know to succeed!
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